Remember when Ant tried to act all tough when the police left? I do.

33  2018-04-23 by Dennyislife


People haven't paid enough attention to Dani(the cunt)'s comment:

"you've broken both my hands, in one fukkin year!!"

what was this missing incident, scrubbed from history?

Probably the event that made her decide to start periscoping her life story.

The Seinfeld jingle in the background while he ignores her allegations and makes it about his gun is beautiful

Seriously the best part. Either that or the "tripping over the ottoman" reference that was so clearly over her head.

A cosmic joke, if you will.

Americans really just walk around indoors wearing their shoes? Fucking animals.


the ones that have maids do

only muslims ask me to take my shoes off indoors

And unfortunate Chinese food restaurant managers. (Donnie Brasco)

My freyund

When even bronze age barbarians have better common decency than your average amerimutt, you know you're on thin ice.

i don't take my fucking shoes off indoors. Jesus Christ.

Even in the middle of a domestic violence incident Ant starts making dick van dyke references and talking about karaoke.

He's a simple man.

He just wants to drink to the point of absolute intoxication, argue and spew hate on Twitter, and sing karaoke.

It would be really uncomfortable to see grandma going to the same 3 talking points all day. The people that surround him are savages

what does she mean when she says "you broke both my fucking hands within one year?"

i’m assuming he broke her other hand in a separate domestic dispute that resulted in violence

roughly translated of course

I just noticed she says "they were both over 6'5''...I would have blown either one of them, they're dumb as fuck"

Manlets, will they ever learn?

The timing of the Seinfeld laugh track after Tranpa yells about the location of his gun. It’s gold Jerry!

Signs the universe has a sense of humor.

Faaaawk I knew that was Seinfeld! I was just goin along for da bit.

"Pffft! Ha ha ha ha! Those dumb cops! Aaaah ha ha ha ha! YOU COPS SUCK!!!"

Women are fucking retarded.

In her defense, she's probably spent an inordinate amount of time around Keith.

The cops that she called there.

Yes, let's check Beav for cancer so you don't have to write a check or call the cops, you cowardly shithead.

Dani seems oblivious to the fact that the police wanted Ant to finish her off. They took one look at her and heard that screech owl, "I've been molested by Daddy" little girl voice and determined immediately that the world would be a better place without her in it.

No lie - the people in this sub are fucking enragingly gay.

You guys should all organize a mass suicide.

Your on here. Your projecting. Its okay to be gay. I wouldn't shake your hand bit don't kill yourself fella.

So, did you misspell "you're" on purpose in an attempt to 'troll' me? Or are you a fucking retard?

I'm only gay when I fuck your dad. He doesn't penetrate me though.

Reminder: responsible legal gun owners frequently misplace their firearms...
