Bill Maher Discusses JBP Rape Allegations

0  2018-04-23 by Prosbora


The linked tweet was tweeted by @MouthyBuddha on Apr 21, 2018 19:05:25 UTC (17 Retweets | 83 Favorites)

Bill Maher on Jordan Peterson: “everything this man says, I think is common sense.”

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Couldn't give less of a shit about either of these guys

Nothing Bill Maher says is controversial? I didn't know calling the 9-11 terrorists brave and declaring himself a "nouse nigga" was just run of the mill these days.

Bill Maher has beady rapist eyes and he's too cheap for rhinoplasty.

Who raped who now?

Did he comments on the allegations of Jordan Patreonson raping his fans with $2000 rugs?