Pathetic attempt to seek attention

287  2018-04-23 by unclepaul84


She’s just rooting around for food. Nothing new.

She must have sniffed out a truffle.

Why would a chocolate be on the floor?

Tss fake yeaa

I'm the 100th upvote.

hahaha fatty pig fatty amiright tss tss

this is when kanye started listening to candance owens

Now I ain't sayin she's old n' bigger..

Candance?? She should take some lessons or sumpthin'

What was she going for here? Is there any context to this or is she just crawling around on the floor like a cunt?

she was doing a bit (srs). She pretended to fall in front of them. Copying that popular Youtube girl who pretends to fall in front of people

She even steals bits from hacky youtubers. God I hope she ends up with a repuatation worse than Carlos Mencia.

You mean the bit from the 1990's where Tom Green and the guys from Jackass would jump onto the floor to get reactions?



I've McFallen!

Nigga, get in Cytube.

Rooting for truffles.

Who were the playing against?

Fawk yes.

Its rutting,you plebe.

Now I ain't sayin she's old n' bigger..


You missed it Bobby you big fat pig

It’s somehow worse if you didn’t come up with that shit line yourself.

Lmao! It doesn’t even fit

Someone must have dropped a Twinkie and she just couldn’t overrule her bovine instincts

I thought this was gonna be one of my suicide threat posts.

I love how Kanye just REFUSES to make eye contact with her. Treats her like the bum she is.

Should’ve kicked her in the teeth

In any other reasonable time in human history this wouldve happened and been celebrated. I don't mean that at all as hyperbole we lost a lot with our refusal of casual violence in any form.

He probably earned an extra long session of MKULTRA for it.

I bet he choose raiden or sumtin fawk yeah lighting and Shiz nit

I rather look at Medusa than that cunt

mythological yuma

She's on his pay no mind list, as she should be for everyone.

He looks suicidal

You are the first person in the history of time to start a sentence with "I love when Kanye"

I don't get what you're trying to say, sir.

He's going after Kanye. Finally!

My favourite part of this picture is that neither of them is even looking in her direction despite the fact that she is literally a foot away from them.

Nobody looks at the help.

It’s favorite,you British douche.

I am glad her career is tanking in every facet. Sure, she made her money, good for her. However her movies are now going right to VHS and her standup is being panned, and rightly so.

Goodbye, your 15 minutes were up a year ago.

Hey old man, VHS is like two outdated formats ago

Oh wow, look who has a lot of pocket change laying around to buy fancy stuff with...nobody likes a showoff.

be kind.rewind

Yeah that fancypants ought to come down to the job site. I've been using the same thermos for 34 years!

look at fancy lad with a thermos, I use my hands like a good blue collar man.

Look at fancy man with two hands. I lost both my hands when I dropped an engine block on them. Good luck driving to the hospital in a car with no engine.

This is a normal Reddit joke thread and you have all humiliated yourselves.

The only thing missing is a series of puns.

I made some Big Puns but they're all in Deep Cover or sumthin tss


comedy pyramid you dipfuck

comedy pyramid
comedy pyramid
comedy pyramid

Should we get our pitchforks sharpened!!!! Boooooooooooooo

I'm a regular Joe. I have my container of coffee, I head down to the docks. My boss is up my ass for this, I go home, my wife is on my ass for that...a guy can't win.

oh regular joe! will you ever win?

Hey, you know when I win? When the whistle blows on a Friday and I hop out of that crane and head down to O'Flannigan's for a cold one with the union boys. Janet puts some Springsteen on the jukebox, and all is right.

But the best, the best's when my boy Tommy steps out onto that field with his glove. Looks just like me when I was his age, his grandfather would be proud. Sure he can't hit for shit, but he fields like a god damn Dominican infielder!

Hey you and your dock workers union better watch out for my steamfitters union. We got that big softball game coming up and we're gonna wail on yous guys! Ah, I kid. First pitcher's on me pal!

Ahh man you had me going! Strong grip ya got there, you dont need a wrench, amiright? Anyhow, names Butchie, this is my wife Cheryl, that little fella there is my boy Tommy, and over shorts that ARE FAR TOO SHORT god damnit Cheryl I told ya she wud'nt allowed to wear that out here around these guys. Anyhows, dats my daughter Megan.

Good luck at the game, you fellas are gonna need it!



he is a Dominican if you get what I'm saying.

Yeah, fuck that guy. Guess what I have on VHS...T2!

Do you have a 4-head VCR?

Are you waiting for those two bums to come fix you VCR?

VCR's fetch a lot of money on Ebay. It's an easy flip. Not sure why.

VHS collectors are a niche subculture but we're out there. And we need VCRs. Because otherwise you just gotta look at the box and imagine what the movie is like.

Hack frauds, the lot of them.

She’s essentially become the female Dane Cook.

I still like Dane :/

Dane is a far more likable person, but their careers have strikingly similar peaks and nosedives.

Back when I was a teenage fan of stand up, Dane was the first person who's material I thought was hack. Followed by Russell Peters and Jeff Dunham, but the point is even stupid me knew Dane sucked. And I had no idea what O&A were.

Thanks for pointing out Russell Peters. Jeff Dunham at least has the ventriloquism talent. Russell Peters literally recycles old jokes.

I met Russell and thought he was a very nice guy, but he's also one of the biggest hacks out there. I'm still amazed at the level of success he achieved.


It's more like she did what ppl like her usually do. Move in, undermine whatever it is they are part of and cash in as much $ out of it as possible.

It's hard to deny she's weakened modern feminism more than about any one else I can think of. She's like a meme at this point.

I have literally went to hating Kanye about 10 years ago to now he is one of my favorite people in culture.

He's a pro at keeping himself in the news.

Kim's titattttys looking like torpedos

Rightfully paying her no mind. She's isn't even worth a second glance.

Kim could have won me over if she dug here heel into the bovine's hoof as she walked by.

she could have saved both their dwindling careers in such a move

I would've loved her forever

That's the point stupid.

Yeah I know. I'm a faggot

Tits would do that to stern and his wife at the red carpet.

The slow burn long decay of Kim Kardashian's looks from Phat little Mediterranean piglet into chubby Dominican/Korean wife is why women are miserable. They know their days are numbered from birth.

that kardashian thing is fucking awful too

The video of her little fall was so embarrassing to watch.

“I’ve McFallen!”

Oh wait, I’m thinking of another unfunny pig.

Kim should have pulled an Opie and kicked that dog in the liver.

is this a real photo

Amy's drunk. Again.

It would be funny if a guy lifted her dress and did her from behind.

Just like that episode of black mirror

Disgusting jew

wow, Kim is looking haggard

Looking for truffles

Look she lost her funny.

Highly symbolic of their careers

Based yeezy refusing to give that cow attention

I don't know who is worse, this pig or Bert Kreischer. Either way, I hope they both die soon.

This was like 4 years ago.
She stole sloppy-boobed Jennifer Lawrence's bit.

She even steals bits from hacky youtubers. God I hope she ends up with a repuatation worse than Carlos Mencia.

You mean the bit from the 1990's where Tom Green and the guys from Jackass would jump onto the floor to get reactions?

Yeah that fancypants ought to come down to the job site. I've been using the same thermos for 34 years!

look at fancy lad with a thermos, I use my hands like a good blue collar man.

I'm a regular Joe. I have my container of coffee, I head down to the docks. My boss is up my ass for this, I go home, my wife is on my ass for that...a guy can't win.

I made some Big Puns but they're all in Deep Cover or sumthin tss

VCR's fetch a lot of money on Ebay. It's an easy flip. Not sure why.

Hack frauds, the lot of them.

I've McFallen!

Yeah, fuck that guy. Guess what I have on VHS...T2!