In addition to being FAT and UGLY. Amy Schumer's latest movie is a FLOP.

1  2018-04-23 by unclepaul84


"Moira MacDonald found the movie "at times depressing." The "body-positive message gets lost" since the "humor depends on us finding it funny that a woman who looks like Amy Schumer (which is to say attractive and blond) would be confident about her appearance," she writes at the Seattle Times."

I love when women get to decide and ugly pig is attractive, especially when its being used as a leftist attacking another leftist in an SJW hit piece.


Why won't her career just fucking die already, though? Chris Elliot once said in an interview (on Conan I think), that one bomb is all it takes to stop a career. Like Cabin Boy did for his career. He said after that one good bomb, no one wants to take a chance on you again. And it's true, he's never had a leading role since.

Yet Ms. Piggy here seems to keep getting cast over and over, despite the shit movies. I never want to have to see or hear about her giant roast of a face again.

trainwreck made 140m on a 20m budget. You get three bombs for every hit. One more and she'll be replacing Trevor Noah until Daily Show is cancelled. * Had she cast Kate Hudson in Snatched, it would've been a huge hit and she'd still get the credit for writing/plaigerizing and producing. She could've transitioned into Apatow but shes a dumb cunt.