Fool me once, twice, thrice,

66  2018-04-23 by ShitDickery


Anyone remember Sam and Jim defending this fuck?

Those two little queebs have a habit of promoting shitty people on their show.

A libertarian like Dave Smith wants to live in a free market world where people like Bobo might end up starving to death due to economic incompetence and general retardation.

whats the problem with that? Darwinism at its finest

Just pointing out one of the perks of libertarianism.

NYC would of folded if it wasn't for tax payer money, the one thing that big nose has right is how fucked the federal reserve's practice of printing money instead of higher taxes has set us back for centuries, there will be blood

Would they of?

NYC would of folded if it wasn't for tax payer money,

Really, huh. Kind of like every city in the world.

I dont get your point

Well, as long as it isn't my or my loved ones' blood, I don't give a care.

I thought you said "perks"?

Hear fucking hear.

I'm genuinely fine with society supporting people like Bobo who can't work. I don't want to live in a society where we just let people like him starve.

It's the dishonesty I can't stand.

Fuck Bobo

Mr Maloonigans is still cool tho

Didn't Bobo have a job at UPS? He can work.

It's seasonal, okay.

What, like cardamon or somethin'? tsstss

Society shouldn't support NOBODY. If a non-government organization or whatever wants to aid & abet leeches, that's fine. After all, it's their hard-earned dough and they could piss it away if they want to. But it absolutely 100% should not be an obligation to the citizenry. Forcing people to give away hand-outs to able-bodied people so they game the system in perpetuity under threat of imprisonment?? "DON'T TREAD ON ME"

Bobo isn't able bodied though. He's unemployable.

Ah geez, don't make me take the position of defending Bobo. I hate the guy. All I'm arguing is that if someone literally cannot work, he or she shouldn't just be allowed to starve to death.

I'm not arguing for a welfare state, I'm arguing that we should put a little bit of resources aside for people who genuinely can't support themselves. To do so otherwise would be barbaric.

Non-contributers, whether they cannot/will not/whatever, are leeches. Now you may call this "cold hearted", but's that's only because of your well provisioned Western world upbringing. You can afford to be "charitable". But charity is artificial. It isn't how Nature works. Let's say I had one leg. You don't need two legs to make money. I would find some way to earn cash, buy a prosthesis and take it from there. What I would not do is lie back, stick my paw out and lament "Could someone please help poor disabled me?" What you call "cold hearted", I call, as someone here beautifully put it, "Darwinism at it's utmost finest".

He works part time, non seasonally, at UPS loading trucks. He regularly has every Monday and Tuesday off to appear on compound media shows so he must have set his availability to keep those nights open, ergo he can probably work more if he wants. Your argument just dissappated. Societal leeches are usually leeches because the system of supporting them is already there.

Basic economics dictates that when you subsidize something (solar tech) you get more of it and when you tax something (tobacco) you get less of it.

Ergo by subsidizing unemployment and taxing employment income there will be a number of people who due to perverse incentives are unemployed and collecting whereas they may have been working without the perverse incentives involved.

dont you try and make me like Dave Smith

Fuck these "white" trash mother fuckers. Family of at least 3 and not one of them can work a real full time job? tough shit

The sister is doing her part, it just takes time for all the international wire transfers to come through.

56% Kurlanmutt

Different shades of brown.

Would you trust bobo doing anything other that making boxes? He couldn't be put in the type of operation where customers see him, the physical fitness challenge proved he's about as strong as a 5 year old so construction is out. There aren't many options for him. His sister is doing charity work in the wealthiest European countries and the mother is going to eventually get that arm amputated so begging is all they got.

It would be more effective if bobo bought some army fatigues smeared grease and vodka all over them and begged in front of a liquor store

Didn't he win the dips or some other part of the physical fitness challenge? I remember he didn't know how to do a pushup and got lost running a circle around the building.

He did win one didn't he? It might have been sit ups. He came into the studio eating a double big mac so bobos feats of weakness aren't at all surprising

He definitely won one. Anthony tried to make Sam throw the final race so Bobo would tie Erock at 2 wins each.

He came into the studio eating a double big mac

Bobo's such a perfect retard. It truly is a miracle of God that O&A found him.

just borrow them from Artie

farm or factory maybe? but then you will have to hire someone to watch him so he doesnt cut himself in half

There is a lot of expensive and crucial machinery in factories. I don't know if employers get subsidized for hiring lunkheads but if they do it certainly wouldn't cover the cost of what he for sure will break. A farm is a good idea but are there any near queens? I've never been to NYC so the surrounding area is a mystery to me. It would have to be a fruit farm, he would get fired before lunch for getting outsmarted by a chicken

i was thinking something that require him to stand in one place and pass boxes and stuff all day and dont let him near any machinery, but who knows he will probably wander off after 5 min or so

Well, it's hard to punch a time clock in Queens when your arm is gallavanting about Gstaad.

Dirty anchor babies

Let me guess. The money is running out and the sister cannot travel anymore? Or because the Mets are doing so well this season there aren’t any free or deeply discounted seats for Bobo to go to the games?


I would guess the latter. I like to think bobos sister world travels are funded by an old lady who finger fucked her years ago

cant choose both?

Anthony should have done a Jerry Lewis style variety show telethon a year ago when this all started. Ant’s Kids’ Moms or something.

april 20th? yeah right what'd she need, a bong hit transplant?

It was kind of tongue in cheek, really.

A bawng hit? how high are ya?

That right there let everyone know Opie never smoked weed before school with the cool kids. I peaked in 8th grade, fucking kill me.

Brother man only does baby hits.

Just a tasssste

Good one cum fag

My offer still stands; have your whore sister give up that ass and I’ve got a nice crisp $5 bill in my pocket for ya.

Real ass dude.

Thanks for ruining the market asshole

Does she do any escort work?

Hey, hush money only takes you so far. At some point you gotta do what you gotta do to keep the "no job just a parasite" train going.

If she doesn’t, she will. She’s goofy enough to justify it by pretending that banging a bunch of rich weirdos from different countries counts as part of her cultural enrichment

his sister looks generic

Her Tits are horrendous.

She put an end parentheses without even putting the first one. What a retard. Couldn't even be bothered to spell check her bogus gofundme description.

No, Sam told us she works for some charity doing mission work or something.

Bobo wasn't pitiful enough?

Who the fuck was fooled once by these hucksters?

The same category of O&A fans that like & retweet Opie and dream of being invited to compound poker night.

We share this fandom with some real idiotic losers.

Not us though, eh gang?

The same morons who donated $60k to have a horrible Chip cartoon created.

"some" of them are medical? so some aren't, i assume. so what? we're supposed to pay this bitches gas bill?

He said they've already gotten one eviction notice already.

She should take her kids down to the police station and get on welfare

Can’t the sister be a porn star or escort for money like a normal whore? Why the gofundme scams?

How the hell is she supposed to find time to make porn when she’s busy traveling to a new exotic location every other week?

I know you guys are trying to be helpful, but the Kurlans’ are a historically thoughtful bunch & they determined that Gofundme is the only solution. I support them.

Star seems like a stretch, maybe porn participant would be more appropriate?

They must clearly have insurance, when your son required that many penis surgeries you don't get rid of your family's health insurance.

Shannon’s slight resemblance to Bobo is so funny

Big dick suckin lips just like his. Hurmph.

Thrice? What are we having, three portions of rice or somethin'? tsstss

The Soze family

If the mom needs money so badly for surgery and shit, why is the daughter touring the world? Why isn't she at home, not spending money they don't have, helping her mom with things around the home?

What bugs me is that she put herself front and center in the pic, when this has nothing to do with her. Mom is hurt, Bobo's the celebrity. Yet she wants people looking at her.

she wants people looking at her.

Doubt it's for the attention. That's what all the worldly traveling pics on social media are for. More likely that she knows they'll get way more $$$ from lonely losers if she's in the pic looking cute and teary-eyed over mom's 'unfortunate mishap'. They'd get shit if it was just the raggedy mom in the pic asking or the mongoloid Mets fan brother in front.

I'd rather look at her, though.

Have either of these two idiots ever shown any kind of proof whatsoever that they received an eviction notice? I know a lot of people tweeted asking for proof. It was such a fishy fucking story, to only miss one month payment and receive a notice. I honestly thought the whole scam thing was a bit, until that story popped up. It was such an obvious lie.

shouldn't we be doing more to bust them?

here's some inspiration. further down on the fraud spectrum, but still in the same league as what the Kurlans are doing

What about that one cunt who won a million dollars bought a second house and still collected welfare. Only positive is she died from an opiate overdose

Lil sis needs more funds for her black dick addiction

Just amputate the fucking thing already

does anyone have photos of this sexy scumbag?

I want to look at the sister’s butthole

How much money do I have to donate before I can fuck Bobo's sister?

Doesn’t she have health insurance? Or Medicare/Medicaid or whatever. Who could be donating to this? Especially if they know bobo at all

Bobo said its work related so would be workers comp. which she is getting paycheck from work depending on state laws you get percentage but its tax free,plus insurance company will pay for everything medical

That’s what I thought. I figured she had insurance from work. So why is bobo asking for money?

This my theory, his mom doesn't have any extra money to give him for tickets, this gofundme adds more money into family so he can afford them now,this is third time around it was last spring, last fall, and spring again which are popular times of going to baseball games

I would probably eat Bobo’s mom’s ass

Fuck Bobo

Didn't Bobo have a job at UPS? He can work.

Society shouldn't support NOBODY. If a non-government organization or whatever wants to aid & abet leeches, that's fine. After all, it's their hard-earned dough and they could piss it away if they want to. But it absolutely 100% should not be an obligation to the citizenry. Forcing people to give away hand-outs to able-bodied people so they game the system in perpetuity under threat of imprisonment?? "DON'T TREAD ON ME"