bOBby iS hEaThy

27  2018-04-23 by RBuddCumia


Black is slimming if you’re a bit doughy. Doesn’t really work when you’re the size of a barn.

Talking about the sub he just ate

Talking about the pecka he just fawkin SUCKED ON tsss

If we don't lay off the insults, we could be next.

he might eat this sub or sumthin

There's $5,000 in it for the fat pig.

Red October

That picture is so fucking exploitable. Jesus, Bawby

I bet he puts Sweet ‘n Low in his Pellegrino.

Ya missed it Bob ya big fat pig

Listen, you mustached cunt.


fat mustached*

I'm a faggot

Aperall fallssss

Dude ya got your basic spelling errors ya got your dead meme BOOM your post is dogshit

Bobby and Brawley rent convertibles to high class cellar type clientele

sometimes you have to sit on them with your bare ass and get your stink on them like branding

bobby explained to brawley a trade secret of getting the car model boys to come back with the cars when through escorting such celebrities as Rich Vos Who takes car boy kyle out on lalalalamborgini drives to and from the golf courses he travels to. on their new jersey glamour drives no one can top bobby and brawleys masterful service.

Keto doesn't work if you eat a vat of chocolate frosting with your meal Bobby

What is heathy?

What you become after a million Heath bars.

What a cast of revolting old men the O&A show has left us with.

Do you think Bobby can wipe himself or does he have to use one of these...

This shed will save his wife a fortune on the funeral costs.

$100 that shirt does not button.

Didn't this pudfuck went of a diet recently?

Like he’s waiting for his sardine reward.

Tss, put this joke on the Ledger or sumpthin, tss