So I take it that Luey Gomes getting cucked on his podcast by his unfunny broad is unpopular around these parts.

2  2018-04-23 by Boxatorium

He sure knows how to ruin a good thing, just like his lifetime partner in gay chicken and shitty nu-metal Big Jay Oakerson ruined The Bonfire.


social media and women ruin everything

I love you.

I love you both

Its just a "slow news day", theres not enough shit to bash so people are looking for anything, honestly Legion of Skanks & The Bonfire are 2 of the few good shows left besides Tim Dillons Going to Hell & Cum Town.
Once Opie's dumb podcast gets released or Ant's book comes out we'll get back on track, no one actually listens to the AA Show or the Jim & Sam Show anymore so theres nothing to bash.

Luis is dumb, if we bust his balls about this enough it will trigger a fight between him and his girl.