Your mothers last breath.

337  2018-04-22 by RBuddCumia


"Funeral book"

4 years and counting of a multi-million dollar guaranteed salary for the instant gratification of a few racist tweets.

Enjoying the obscurity??

lmao stupid cuck. Anthony is making more money now than he was at Sirius XM. And he's having the time of his life HAHAHA

Fame? Not a drop of Bud lite? Genuine friends? High school graduation? Career growth? Aging gracefully? Taking responsibility for anything? A clean record? Your guns? Any movie made past 1997? The pubes they reharvested on your skull? A functioning liver? Talking to actual celebs instead of Z-list comedians? Television charisma? A healthy relationship with a female? Going one day without being dishonest? A successful marriage? Parenthood? A soul? Even a sliver of fashion sense? Fans that admire your talent rather than your team politics? A preoccupation with something other than social media?


at least a third of this applies to me

i don't like this feeling

half his xm money

What are all these fucking *amaaaaaaazing* movies that have come out recently that Anthony DARES to ignore? He should be making The Hangover references, maaaan. Why can't he update his shit and talk about The Avengers? Then you trash his "fashion sense". Are you a catty broad, or a faggot? Those are the only people who will use fashion as an insult.

If you don't think there have been amazing movies made recently it's because you're an old out of touch faggot who can't keep up. It's like old people loving Aerosmith and Neil Diamond and thinking "music these days" is just Justin Bieber and Katy Perry.

How about this - the only Paul Thomas Anderson movie he references is Boogie Nights because it was made before his wet brain stopped forming new memories.

There are good new movies. But not many unapologetically funny new movies.

Stop it

unapologetically funny new movies

has there ever been a movie that was "apologetically" funny? You hacky douche. You sound like every other would-be movie critic spouting words you couldn't even describe. Plus not every movie has to be a comedy, unless that's all your simple brain can manage.

Yeah, there should be a LOT more Punch Drunk Love references than Boogie Night reference. That's the secret to funny

Paul Thomas Anderson has made 3 good movies. One of them is Boogie Nights. Sorry there weren't more hilarious clips from There Will Be Blood to play

You're finished!

The fella said MORE PAUL THOMAS ANDERSON, I want to know why

hi ant

lay off the alcohol a bit okay buddy?

Your bisexual hero has insulted men's looks and clothes constantly. And I wouldn't dare list any any since it's subjective as fuck, but there are plenty of good movies to come out in the last two decades.

But you're a bitter old faggot who thinks Compound Media is quality entertainment worth paying for, you probably dress like a 1996 high school sophomore, too.

Which podcast hosts do you think have the best style? If you could pick your dream man to host a podcast, what would he look like? Ant is too short, gray, and poorly dressed, from what everyone says. You want a tall, dashing, buff manly man dressed in a sexy 3 piece suit, right? Fag

Funny, not a partisan hack or washed-up shock jock seem like decent enough traits to subscribe.

You ballwashing baby boomer cunt.

But what about his style?

He seems quite fond of hair harvesting, chemical peels, fake teeth and hgh. So style, and what I think of it, utterly consumes yet still alludes him.

What outfit would you pick out for him. If you land your dream job as a stylist for men, how would you dress Anthony?

I think I would chose that ill-fitting suit he wore to that humiliating prom debacle he thought everyone would be impressed by.

It would be the perfect choice for his funeral in my dream job of prepare his hideous visage for his journey to hell. I guarantee they would insist on a closed casket because his face looks like rotting eggplant, so not certain who'd get to see it, though. Maybe you when you dig up his corpse to have sex with it?

Why choose a bad suit if you're his stylist? He picks clothes you don't like, you complain. The you choose clothes for him that you don't like, you still complain

He fucks children on your subscriber dime.

I don't subscribe

Answer the question, faggot. How would your dream man dress? You're VERY concerned with men and how they look and dress.

I'll answer what I please, your autism, like all Compound Media subscribers, makes you mentally obsessive.

I'm not a subscriber. Keep on obsessing over how a 60 year old man dresses.

You're downvoted into oblivion in every other thread because of how bad you want to drink Ant's cum. Stop projecting, you actual closeted homosexual man.

I'm not the one writing a half dozen posts a day that are all "OMG! Lik, can this guy even dress himself? I kno, rite? How tacky!"

Instead you're angrily ranting against the majority of a forum because of some washed up wop who hasn't been funny in years.

Makes me laugh on the Chip Chipperson podacast

Any movie made past 1997.


A virgin rectum?

The point of why people listened to you

If Anthony had been there He would've, with tears in his eyes, pulled his mother's head close and whispered in her ear "back to obscurity with you..."

Good line.

"Tears in 'is eyes, I guess

"Only two followers on your Twitter!? You're stuck here all day and that's the most you can get, Ma! Haw haw, HO-LEE-SHIT!"

She was probably yelling "BOSCO!", knowing how much her son appreciates a good Seinfeld reference... only to shed a final tear as she realizes her son is nowhere to be seen.

......the mark with your show.

Holy shit. He's an addict. He's addicted to twitter.

I mean, I knew that before but it just hit me full in the face.

He couldn't go 12 hours without Twitter without feeling the loss and the pain. What an asshole he is.

He should go on Dr. Phil.

"Now, Anthony- you say you're not addicted to Twitter; but it cost you the job at the radio station, didn't it? And you've been banned from using the service, what, three times now? And I'm told that during your last suspension, you were publicly counting down the hours until you were allowed to use it again - is that correct?"

Perhaps more than that

You really can feel his relief in that tweet. It's like a junkie that's been strapped to a bed for 12 hours and finally gets their fix.

This is a man who once broadcasted to millions on a daily basis and who was genuinely hilarious. He could still be doing that too but the instant gratification of sending out a string of racist tweets because he got beat up by a girl was more important to him.

Then he says “they think I’m obsessively on Twitter ranting, no I’m playing video games and check my phone once in a while a make a dumb tweet here and there”

No Anthony that is not what you are doing, you have put more time into twitter than anything else in your free time. Think about that, you are 64 years old, you lost your way.

He'd be perfect for My Strange Addiction. The clips of him frantically pounding away at his keyboard non-stop intercut with people concerned for his well being. Well... I guess you couldn't have that second part because nobody loves him. It would just be Big A and Bobo cheering Anthony on like the freedom fighter they think he is.

I kinda hope i get banned from this place for being an obnoxious ass, I’d feel too faggoty making an alt and I spend too much time here anyway

You're not a complete faggot if that's any consolation.

Your two radio partners who made you better?

Oh no. I think he’s getting the Lady Di wet brain disease. He’ll be in the Navy before we know it.

Anrhony is not a complete ass hole (he is)

It's still whole just a little tear

Ha ha ha, holy shit!

Jerk of all Jerks,Anthony Cumia. Lol

The difference between boys and girls?

Called him a pedo drug addict and got banned within 5 minutes by @CorradoSoprano4 and Ant. Even when he doesn't tweet for hours he's still actively on Twitter on both of his accounts.

Seeing your mom for five years


Oh those xanax black outs

Isn't it against Twitter's policy to make a new account after you get banned? That's the whole point of banning someone, right? Do they not notice that this doddering old fool continues to make new accounts and spew drunk/racist/offensive messages after having been removed from their service numerous times?

He’s too obscure for them to bother taking down the sad alt account, which is the funniest recent thing about 🐜h that doesn’t involve transsexuals or The People’s Court.

He’s not famous enough for anyone too care.

Same reason he hasn’t been #metoo’d

By combining everything that irks people about male Fox News personalities with a childlike rage, racism, and the thinnest skin imaginable, Ant has exposed himself as somebody that isn’t worthy of respect or attention.

Waddle doodle, Ant.

Fucking buried that cocksucker (his mom)

Out on the joys of life due to your adfiction.

I'm not the one writing a half dozen posts a day that are all "OMG! Lik, can this guy even dress himself? I kno, rite? How tacky!"

Makes me laugh on the Chip Chipperson podacast