Man, will this guy ever learn?

117  2018-04-22 by SteveTech74


Dementia...has to be.

Or just outright psychosis.

he's like my nana - dementia plus a little chardonay to get the crazy train going

Tss, yeah, I bet when yor Nana drinks the poor little mug gets fawkin paranoid asumptin!

she gets fawkin zoooted chippa and den calls me up to tell me what a piece of shit my father is

like i didnt already know this or sumtin

dvv dvv

Show us her cunt.

He's arguing with Cher now.

If he could turn back time

🎵Gypsies, Trampa , and thieves, the Cumia clan is all of these


"Gypsies, tramps and thieves, the Cumia clan is all of these"

I've got Sue, babe.

"Do you belieeeeevvvveeeee the blacks are all thugs (are all thugs)?

The Cumia Cartel, when forced into confrontations with your blacks: 'I really don't think I'm strong enough, ohhhh! Do you believe in love after schlubs?'

Half all Ant has ever heard

🎶if he’d admit he’s gay🎶


Her "son" is slowly turning in to John Candy.

Hope she checks out the same way

I don't understand how this wetbrain and his deadbeat brother can't see the hypocrisy in their social media rants.

Maybe because his brain is wet and Joe Cumia is retarded

Joe Cumia is a dunderhead.

I just realized that i am so mad at myself for even knowing who Joe Cumia is.


But if I call him a child grooming P*** who I get sent back to obscurity. Total hypocrisy maaaan!

"Another example of how the truth has no place here on Twitter"

That platform that you're more addicted to than any teenage girl, you 60 year old faggot?

It's so pathetic. Why is he surprised every time he gets suspended?

Because his yesmen tell him these bans are coming from twitter responders.

Poor little mugs haven't even studied asymmetrical warfare asumptin, ysss


Hey now, he's only 57 years young!

I can't believe there is still any confusion about who Chip & Uncle Paul are based on. Just a simple boy's passive aggression.

Don't forget the autistic character, "Jim," is based on Bobo.

No confusion on my part. I'm just curious to find out who Edgar and Ted are based on.

Poor Jimmy just wanted to help his co-hosts see their flaws by providing an over-the-top exaggeration of them. Instead he just saw them turn into mirror images of the characters.

Saying you're x amount of years young usually means you fucked your life up at some point.

I've never seen a man more victimized than Anthony Cumia.

Poor little mug has been constantly subjugated by schwoogies every day of his pointless little life

Well; Opie.

Childish name-calling is the 'truth' now, and we must fight against 'censorship'.

Jesus christ ant you are in your 70s, time to grow up.

Pissy eyed little faggots don't grow up. It's Neverland over at that compound asumptin.

Being uncensored is only for Ant's station in life or above. Less money or fame (read: having had fame fifteen years ago)? Back to obscurity!

We're through the looking glass here people

If we could talk black crime

No Ronnie please don't stray

We're discussing the negroes with Colin Fla-her-ty

Does drinking alone and hammering on your cell phone until you pass out for half a day count as "suspended"?

It counts as 'a life' for me, and that's specifically 'good enough.'

He always acts like it's some badge of honor, like he's on the same level as whatever celebrity he is drunkenly e-yelling at.

Cher had no idea who he was before this incident and she still has no idea now. The bitch is about 70.

She's doesn't spend her time like a Cumia, behind a keyboard, with fists unclenched, angrily clacking away, reading and replying to every message she gets.

This man was once genuinely hilarious. But he threw it all away to say mean things about black people.

I know almost nothing about Cher, is she truthfully a cunt? How do you even put forward that retarded ad hominem as "truth". I really hope Ant is killed by a drunk driver or home invasion, something really ironic.

or get bit to death

chance of him getting hit by a ddrunk driver is 0 cause he doesnt leave his basement

Ant would be the drunk driver.

just reported this one too

This guy gets it

A honest and open discussion about a gay icon

It is fantastic outside right now. A normal 60 year old man is taking the grandkids out boating and has no idea what Twitter is.

Bruce Jenner is motorboating his grandkids

Who wouldn't? Kylie Jenner is hot as fuck.

Ant is shorter than sonny

And gayer than Chaz.

What a sad old faggot

"I dindu nuffin.."

The only other person in the O&A universe to get catfished beside Anthony Cumia was a man with down syndrome named Bobo.

What a fucking loser.

Cher shouldn't have bit the hand of the handbiter that fed her. "Sonny & Cher" gets more plugs on Compound Media now than it did anywhere 40-some years ago.

If a podcasted plug drunkenly rants in the greenscreened woods, does it make a sound?

I wish I was a multimillionaire so I could spend all of my time obsessed with a free and senseless social networking app.

A broken, pock-marked, perverse clock is right at least twice a year I guess.

If I were on twitter and got suspended for 12 hours, I probably wouldn't even notice. It's 12 hours. How addicted to that shit are you where that is even noticeable?

He is truly emotionally disturbed. u/TheBlueAwning looks more & more vindicated with each passing day.

don't get carried away

65 years old and he still doesn't know the difference between facts and opinions.

m-muh open and honest conversations!

There's an automatic rule in Twitter that if you call a Blue Check a cunt, your account gets suspended. No reporting necessary.

Neither Cher nor her social media minions would have even seen his tweet.

Does Ant think his witty response in anyway stood out amongst the flood of angry responses from all the other angry, middle-aged MAGA hat wearers?

Yes, because he thinks he's special.

Get a hobby Nana.

Why does this old man think a privately owned website owes him a platform to say what he wants?

"Truth"...his avatar is a cartoon drawing of himself.

Wow what a persecuted victim

His whole life revolves around fucking twitter. It's sad, can't wait till they finally suspend him for good and he ends up killing himslf

He’s a shitbag, but honestly, he’s not wrong there

Oh BaJeeBee will you ever learn!??!?

This is and the one where East side Dave makes fun of earls dead grandma and earl tries to fight him (somthing somthing violence and the black community somthing somthing) are for sure up there in the top of my favorite Ron & Fez clips

Dave doing the Earls Grandmother voice still makes me crack the fuck up even after all this time that i now know most of these bits were staged

The best part about this is when Earle breaks Opie's precious office chair... I don't remember specifically but which show was it?? i think in the early days/the very beginning of Bennington didn't they make a bit out of making sure they put away Opie's chair after every show because he was so always pissy about big fat grosse Chris 'Pepper Hicks' Stanley would sit in his chair and break it with his great big fat ass

I think Ant see’s himself like a Malcom X character, and creating new accounts is “his struggle”

The only person more irrelevant than cher is anthony

reminder, if you flirt with Cumia on twitter and try to get his attention isntead of trying to get him banned you are more pathetic than he is

Truly Ant is our generation's Galileo and Twitter mods are the modern Roman Inquisition

He really has a legitimate addiction to Twitter. He is like the alcoholic blaming his friends for offering a beer and then stating he can’t believe others would expect him to take personal responsibility.

Friendly reminder that Ron called it years ago that twitter was a shit . Ironically could get shit trending just with the power of his mind #cakehorn.

I can't believe there is still any confusion about who Chip & Uncle Paul are based on. Just a simple boy's passive aggression.

And gayer than Chaz.

This is and the one where East side Dave makes fun of earls dead grandma and earl tries to fight him (somthing somthing violence and the black community somthing somthing) are for sure up there in the top of my favorite Ron & Fez clips

Saying you're x amount of years young usually means you fucked your life up at some point.