Fuckin' Opie, Man. Jesus ....

5  2018-04-22 by SaturdaySuperstar

The other day, I was watching "The Andy Griffith Show", where Opie gets a job as a soda jerk/manager of a drug store. The owner didn't really wanna hire a 13 year old kid for that sort of responsibility. But he did anyway, figuring, well, he's Andy's boy, so he must be OK. Opie knows he only got the job in the first place because of an assumption, so he wants to make an extra big impression, and he's nervous as fuck. Plus, the owner's always lurking around, looking over his shoulder, double-checking things "just to be sure". So as if all of that wasn't enough, some guy comes in and orders a glass of water. A GLASS OF FUCKING WATER. Then he lights a cigarette, drinks the water and leaves. No payment. No tip. No "thank you". No nothing. Opie? He just chirpily & unsarcastically says: "Come again!" and dutifully wipes down the counter where the ingrate left a wet ring. Doesn't ieven curse the guy out, which he had every right to do! Fuckin Opie, man. Jesus ....


What is this a metaphor phor

This guy masturbates to childhood Ron Howard.

This horny guy hooked up with a foxy lady to have sex. That's what he metaphor.

Eugh. That was so bad I can't even downvote it.

i got you brother

He's a fine boy FINE

"Paw, when I grow up, can I loaf like they do in the barber shop?"