This is how Ant saw Dani.

55  2018-04-22 by RBuddCumia


"My Dad died.."

what am I missing?

Just a mess of a bitch. It's the kind of chick that would come on to you hard, fuck like a sack of potatoes, and then cry after.

if its her doing, im cool with that

Perfect description.

Surprisingly accurate.

make it "during" and I'm in.

I think it’s Bella Thorne. She’s a coked/methed out maniac that used to be a cute Disney star. Seems a lot like Dani, but she’s hot.

Henna hand tattoo

How Ant saw Danny

Please. I'm hotter than that.

Soon as we put you in the oven maybe

Is this really Dani?

You're an idiot, sir.

when sarcasm flies over your head, unlike bud light bottles thrown at Dani by a drunken man with hair plugs

LOL, you're hysterical, where can I hear more of your comedy?

In Ant's house. Go there.

Gee you know, I don't think I'm welcome. I'm sure the big tough guy would handle it himself and not run to call 911 immediately.

I'm honestly surprised you didn't just bitch slap the old drunk. I had a theory that you tried to fight back but you broke your hand when you punched him in his calcified liver.

Meanwhile, this is how the rest of us saw Dani:

Awful body but a heavenly face I must say.

Please don't demean lovely stalker patti

Patti is like one of those sick shelter dogs that you hope for the best for but don't really wanna pet.

Don't really want to pet

Speak for yourself, mister

She's mangy

Sorry, Patti's got a much curvier figure. So we all agree that a nude Patti essentially has everything over Dani.

Yeah, but Dani had the body of a 13 y/o girl, which is Ant's dream girl.

But Jimmy was the one obsessed with Patti not Ant...

I bet she has ugly blown out, smelly, discolored private parts with a lot of razor stubble and ingrown hair.

if you wear more than 1 bracelet its a no for me dog

Real ass dude.

I fucked a meth head a few times who looked a lot like that. Stupid hand tattoo and all. She called my dog an asshole and he's a good fucking dog.

Man in January I fucked a bitch with a spider web tattooed on her face. If I still sold drugs I could have gotten her to eat dog puke

peee soup

What's happening

Abe you don’t need to fuck these kinds of women anymore. Come to Canada and I will introduce you to my Aunt Shaneequa, she will slurp you dry and then cook you chicken and waffles. All while you sip whiskey lemonade out of a mason jar on the porch and watch the sun rise over the prairies.

I don't think you have an aunt Shaneequa.

you don’t know me

Ok so it would be me in a dress and black face. So what. Why you meddlin in my affairs

I am outspokenly Canadian, you idiot. Because I was Canadian when Canadian meant hockey players and lumberjacks instead of transexual toddlers and queer 55 year olds with pink hair. I also believe that you're at least 10 different users on this sub.

Lol, nobody cares about you enough to remember where your “outspokenly from” and that last sentence.. settle down, Sherlock. I have one account and you’re a fucking retard for believing otherwise.

Hurtful. Fucking. Words, Mister.

I outspokenly agree with Tim.

That would be me, but I always delete my old accounts.

Bitches have to establish rank.

he's a good fucking dog.

Give him a nice shuka shuka under his chin for being a good ol boy for me.

Yeah, give it to him with a 12 gauge


The last sound he ever makes

Just give up already lol

I'm like 78% confident that my dog could outsmart and kill you. He's a really good dog.

He gets a nice "Here." When I feed him and that's about it.

I saw one of my dogs eat his own shit right after taking it the other day and that fucker gets the cold shoulder from now on.

septum piercings are revolting.

Good sign of a woman being a fucking whoar.

it’s a blaring air horn of whoardom

god bless em

Shallow Hal needs a gal

Looks like the typical girl I usually hook up with, they might be somewhat cute (like a 7.5 out of 10) but they usually bring a lot of drama & after a month or two I’m hiding from them. But still much better looking & more stable than Dani, although that’s not saying much, in reality Ant should feel lucky to even get Dani because this type of girl isn’t going for Ant regardless of his money because she’d automatically think he was a douche for living in a McMansion out on Long Island & his fame would not impress girls like this either because most chicks aren’t impressed with 60 year old podcasters who use their platform to bitch about black people & liberals.

Nobody cares faggot.

Ok Anthony Cumia groupie, I won’t trigger you anymore homo.

What? Nobody cares about you and your boyfriend sucking each other's dicks.

This guy fucks.

Sorry teacher.

You’re goddamn right I fuck! I hope you do too. Wasn’t trying to act like a bigshot by saying that this girl in the pic is typical for a drunk hook up at a New York City bar but if you want me to brag I will, this bitch in the picture is my second string as far as pussy goes. Any night of the week I wanna get laid I do & never pay for it besides maybe buying alcohol but never dinner unless she’s girlfriend material. Is that so weird to you or is pussy an unattainable goal?

I fuck cunt, Sicboy, and I jerk off

Save your gay little fan fiction for r/seduction, you dork.

Why the fuck you lyin

"DAYUM! Da's a good run on sentence!"

Sorry teacher, I’ll make sure to use proper sentence structure when posting on the O&A sub-Reddit.

Hey, friend, run on all ya like. That wasn't actually the point, you see. I wouldn't have noticed if you had said anything intelligible in that muddled paragraph of a thought.

Hey, friend, run on all ya like. It was a dumb throwaway line. That wasn't actually the point, you see. I wouldn't have noticed if you had said anything intelligible in that muddled paragraph of a thought.

shut up, stupid

Chickenhead1 what’s your beef? You a Anthony Cumia groupie now or just a virgin? If you can’t pull basic looking bitches like this one in the picture then you shouldn’t talk shit about Ant & Dani. I’m not implying I get a ton of pussy but this broad in this picture is a slam-dunk if you aren’t grotesque looking & can string together a sentence.

notice your 9-10 downvotes, nobody cares, stupid.

Oh my gosh!!! Im being downvoted…do you think I care?

Yes, I do think you care.

I take it you know your way around a vagina

That dude smashes puss all day long, bruh.

Never said that or implyied that but yea I do have sex on a regular basis & this girl in the picture isn’t hard to get unless you have the personality or the looks of Anthony Cumia.

Never said I was some king of s stud but if I meet a girl that looks like this one in this pic as far as looks & style goes, then yea, 90% of the time I hook up with that so unusual? If you can’t pull basic pussy that looks like this than you’re a hopeless case.

Tss, yeah, I fawk all the fawkin time asumptin, but I only fuck tens. So beautiful birds fall out of the sky like they were dead.

Damn you are the MAN! FAWK YEAH!

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You seem to be looking for the frat bro message board. No one cares about the women you roofie

Does this whore have a name? Should we know her?

Bella Thorne.

gud enuf

Her face looks like Nigella Lawson.

Top tier big titted MILF.

Nice crow's feet, stupid.