How about you reference another Simpson's episode? Dumb faggot

11  2018-04-22 by unclepaul84


Probably too busy womanizing.

Bikini girls.

Is this a thing? Does he reference a lot of Simpson episodes?

Yes he does

Where we at with the Mr. Plow?

ME: I gotta go wit da Plow King if I'm honest

He looks full on Down Syndrome at this point

the hollow eyes of a man who never saw a meal he didn’t like

I don't know. Pretty impossible to go through your entire life without seeing a salad

I’ll take Simpson’s over wrestling any day

I'll pass on both like any respectable television station should have years ago.

Mister Steal Your Taco

Didn't Bart win him in a radio contest?

I hate i get this reference

Opie has erock eyes now

Nice pig face, stupid

It's no longer acceptable to refer to downies as "dumb". Get with the times, man!

I dont feel good

That nigga caught autism at 39 years old.

You mean Trisomia 21.

Mah. I don't think he meant dat.

A man who is sodomized daily by the rotund girth of the horrendous shits he takes.

I know Opie is the 'Torpid Sloth' but that perfectly describes Erock in every sense.

Idk how anyone could stand being fat for this long, try eating a fig bar hoagie boy.

doughey faced faggot

Ikr! Those lambs to the slaughter eyes make my blood boil. Jerk off needs two permanent black eyes.