Tefft and Saiyan Take Down Drunk Danny Ross

0  2018-04-22 by Baldross


This is so goddamn depressing. Two absolute nightmare personalities coming together to torture anyone listening. Good God.

Jim & Sam you mean?

There's no way in hell I can begin to wade through that. I skipped around but couldn't make it more than 10 seconds at any point in the feed.

Highlights, please.

Go an hour in

What's that dude? Your phone crapped out.

Nice Alt, Kyle.

Whyd you give saiyan the time of day? I literally wont listen due to that mumble mouthed one outfit zero

Honestly because he won't leave me alone. He's done 25 videos about me in the last 4 weeks and begs me incessantly to come on his show. So there. I consider my business with him finished and he can no longer DM me all fucking day to come on.


Mm hmm. 7 people might see it too. That's why I hung up. Him and whoever his friend was just kept talking over me.

Dude you're an alcoholic embarrassment, no different to Cumia

Fair enough


Jesus christ, wtf was that?

That's what my granddad used to call 10 gallons of shit in a 5 gallon bucket.

I wish Kyle would shoot him self in the mouth I’m sick of people associating him with the sub

Danny needs to find the nearest AA meeting

The AA show?

I hate both of them, but Kyle is right he can’t talk about what we the fuck he wants. TMZ comments on celebrities. Kyle can comment on a radio show or whatever fuck he wants to talk about.

Danny your show sucks, you sound like a jealous Jew, and nooooooooody likes you. You’re analogies are complete shit, and inapplicable to the real life comparison you are attempting to find correlation between. You should stop opening your mouth on here you are looking like a spiteful jealous kike, and bro your nose is HUGE.

Danny couldn't outwit a retard who talkth like thith.

Also, Danny, you have a drinking problem little man.

Nothing on this earth could entice me to listen to more than two minutes of this Looney Tunes sounding retard.

user reports:

1: This is SaiyanZ plugging his shitshow.

1: this is Saiyan - check his post history

1: Please ban this faggots alts too

hmmm.., sort of sounds reasonable