The first time Sue put it in

133  2018-04-21 by dropngo


looks like a lizard struggling to swallow a large cricket

Moroccan cock lizard

Mexican I-have-a-beard lizard.

Looks like the alien bug wearing the Edgar suit in MiB

eYe aM A ReAl hUmAn

gime.. sUgar.. iN wAtEr

hooooooooleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee shit

I don't see how some Xanax and a few free ipads are worth seeing that pull your dora panties off with his teeth

Kids these days don't know the value of a dollar! When I was a boy a gentleman would have to buy ya a new 10 speed before he pulled down your drawers and fucked your heinie. But eh, what the hell do I know?

The fucking Colombo and friends pictures are so hack. Jesus Christ my parents didn't even watch Colombo.

Sir, that's the cast of Seinfeld, much more current as you know.

Good work.

What is he actually doing here? Did Artie just tell another joke for the 45th time?

He's joining Gavin in his Hitler impersonation. Seriously.

He started to shape-shift but was barely able to call control himself

he looks monstrous

Looks like he glimpsed a 13 year old and was about to go full Woodsman until he realized he had company.

[i know this character!](


He really hasn’t aged well, has he?


So that's where this face came from

Wtf was he supposed to be there, the Tranny-saurus rex?

Nice reptilian shapeshifting face, stupid.

I know it’s more degrading to say Sue fucked him but does anyone really think Sue isn’t a strict bottom?

He really is a ghoul

This is so fucking revolting. Looks just like the lizard in the rescuers 2 down under

He just saw a 3rd grade girls school class pass by in the hallway on a tour of the studios in the building and his jaw instinctively started to unhinge before he caught himself. Thank god Big A either wasn't there or didn't see them or there would have been a bloodbath if he picked up on Anthony's signal about little ones being present.

That mug is getting uglier

at least we know ant isn't spending money on a stylist

My dad made the same kind of faces when we had him institutionalized last November

The stuff of nightmares.

Kids these days don't know the value of a dollar! When I was a boy a gentleman would have to buy ya a new 10 speed before he pulled down your drawers and fucked your heinie. But eh, what the hell do I know?