Wakanda is just starting to end slavery

12  2018-04-21 by iglooghostt


Did the chicken guts they were using for their weather forecast let them know?

They're willing to give up their sex slaves if they can keep skull fucking shrunken heads


Anyone have a link to that bogus story of them dropping tablets in Africa and 3 months later they had hacked them? But it turns out it took them 3 months to change the background image.

My favorite part is the year: 2018

So let me get this straight... they was kangz and genius scientists and sheeit, then white people stole their technology and this somehow turned them into mud hut assholes who believe in magic and cant figure out basics like sustainable farming and fecal disposal systems. Did those evil whites steal the knowledge right out of their heads? Cause I'll tell ya, if I'm a scientist and someone copied my technology, I'd think I'd still retain that intelligence and ingenuity in my brain and still be able to make my people flourish, despite anyone copying my shit.

or there's the more plausible explanation: they're subhuman savages.

So let me get this straight... they was kangz and genius scientists and sheeit, then white people stole their technology and this somehow turned them into mud hut assholes who believe in magic and cant figure out basics like sustainable farming and fecal disposal systems. Did those evil whites steal the knowledge right out of their heads? Cause I'll tell ya, if I'm a scientist and someone copied my technology, I'd think I'd still retain that intelligence and ingenuity in my brain and still be able to make my people flourish, despite anyone copying my shit.

or there's the more plausible explanation: they're subhuman savages.

Shut the fuck up.