Theme from Cumia by Isaac Hayes ghost

0  2018-04-21 by opestersmammarydrip

Whos the black shock jock/ Thats a sex machine to a chick with a cock?


(Ya damn right!)

Whos the man that pays a weekly cheque to his Brother Joe?


(Can ya dig it?)

Whos the cat, that hired a Cop/ and now theres a danger his networks gonna flop?


(Right on..)

Ya see this cat CUMIA is a bad mother..

(Shut yo mouth!)

But Im talkin bout CUMIA!

(Then we can dig it..)

Hes a complicated man/ And no one understands why he didnt see his dying motherrrrrrrrrrr/


Isuuc Gayes

Yeah, fuck Anthony for his unfunny and hopelessly out of date references.

Anywho, gang, I wrote a quick parody song to the tune of Shaft. Hope you enjoy!