The naked gun. Dudes so hilarious. Where we at with Leslie Nielsen?

1  2018-04-21 by SibHashian13


He's pretty funny does he have any upcoming movies slated for release?

He died in 2010

Ya kiddin’

He got TOO big for da show. He was fuckin hilarious, but now I'm not sure.

Girl name ass nigga

Even when he was depressingly senile, Leslie Nielsen was still years funnier than Opie.

And smarter than Anthony.


Where the fuck is my Naked Gun?!

When he’d do those lame morning shows to promote a movie, he’d have one of those remote controlled fart machines on him and not tell the host. Right in the middle of an answer, he’d lean over and let one rip. That always made me laugh.

I am all in with the Leslie Neilsen. I miss the guy. We used to talk on the phone for hours.

Love da Lez