Six weeks later... Did Jim or Sam ever explain why Anthony Cumia was Re-Banned from Sirius XM bldg?

0  2018-04-21 by ART-CORNEY

I'm sure they know from Wickland... Did they ever tell on the show or Chippah Podcast?


J&S are on the pay-no-mind-list of SiriusXM management, I think they legitimately dont know why and probably won't anytime soon. They have 0 leverage against the company because most of the high ups dont even know who they are.

Stern banned him. To be completely honest wit cha

Its gotta be the allegations and charges, and if they were told so, there is 0 chance they would say so on the radio, they have loyalty to the ogre

They're probably also liable


From the choking Dani / gun thing? He's still in court for that?

It is funny he does not BRAG about his latest weapon purchases anymore.