Came across the Black Louis CK. This dude stole his comedy style right down to the mannerisms and delivery

0  2018-04-21 by dmix


I don’t see the Louis thing you’re talking about. But that dude’s a good actor. Especially now that I see that he’s nothing like his character in Atlanta. Paper Boi’s a little light in the loafers in real life.

Am i the only one that gets Patrice vibes from Paper Boi? I googled after watching, Donald Glover posted a "RIP patrice" tweet when he died and was later accused of stealing his material...

Did you post the wrong video? This IS indeed a black guy. That’s where the title stops making sense.

Huh? What the fuck was confusing about the title. Of course he's black...

I meant that you got the fact that he’s black correct in your title. But he couldn’t be any less like Louis CK. I didn’t pick up any similarities on any level. Besides that he is also a male and a human.

Pause at 1:32. The dude jacks it all over the makeup girl for like 6 frames.

He’s actually an Oriental, you two.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

Corny ass nigga

So, Louis blaCK?

OP, do you have mental problems?

Huh? What the fuck was confusing about the title. Of course he's black...

He’s actually an Oriental, you two.