Oh, Fucking Yuck

182  2018-04-21 by ShitDickery


there comes a point where you run out of adjectives to describe something so horrible

I refuse to believe this is real. It can't be.

Above all else

Not me: horrific, awful, horrendous, objectionable, offensive, vomit-inducing, etc

spermless, sterile, semenless Stern I mean Sam!! - Elliott Offen

It's fun to try though, isn't it?

Dear. God. Just when you thought he couldn’t get any gayer, he does.

if Sam actually cared about his wife and child he would kill himself and that jacket.

If he killed himself at least his child could form some delusional image of what their father was

their actual father? you mean Lamar?

Now that's deep

Linger longer!

I believe you're thinking of Juan. The reason Sam's child is mysteriously dark-shaded and therefore hidden from the public.

Ah, the ol' Burr move

he should kill himself with that jacket*

if Sam actually cared about his wife and child he would kill himself and with that jacket.

He's going to dress his son in one of these and send the poor kid off to school to be bullied for wearing this shit. Kids can smell faggot too.

There is no way his wife sees this and doesn’t want to push him over the railing.

Zipcar to a pa park with Troy

Everyone keeps assuming she's a normal woman who would rightfully be appalled and disgusted by him.

She dated him for years and tolerated his childish hobbies, eating habits and falsely inflated ego enough to A) marry him and B) let him come inside her and beget her with child.

She has to be as much of an awful, boring and personality-free zilch as he is. It's the only possible explanation as to why she hasn't divorced or killed him yet.

You eat come.

It's a rich source of protein... problem?

We call that a Norton Smoothie around these parts.

She is clearly into bestiality.

shes a jew. she sees dollar signs

Either an old pic or he spray painted his bald patch

Sam was the leader of a band of unpopular kids who he insisted call him "Spike"


I don't know I was so far gone when I posted that. Still am

He probably justifies every cent pissed away on wrestling shit to his wife as this is bringing him a step closer to his dream job

What is this dream job exactly?

Ape With a Microphone?

Official WWE Ball Washer?

Poster Boy for the “Please Circumcise Your Son Before He Is 19” campaign?

He could be a solid hateable shyster manager....but it's obvious he has zero toughness to take bumps that would get the audience to pop.

You've just put more constructive thought towards his life trajectory than he has.

Poster Boy for the “Send Them Back to Africa” campaign.

Fixed that for you.

Moving on up from radio to WWE. Really knows how to pick those relevant and sustainable mediums.

This fuckin mutant needs to have his teeth knocked out. I think it would be good for him.

“When was the last time you were in a fight?” Tyler Durden

Sam already thinks he has a Tyler Durden since Troy dresses like him.

His name was Sue Lightning

I HATE this asshole

How can you not?

He really loves that faggot cartoon picture doesn't he?

It has hair, unlike him.

He thinks people will think he's hip because it's in Aaron McGruder's style

For those wondering, this is Aaron McGruder.

Ah, so not really that similar at all

No. I don't even get the connection (if there is one) or why people upvoted it

He needs to update it. He hasn't looked like that in ten years.

He thinks it looks like him, when he looks like the retarded offspring of Dr Zaius

you guys see that bubble surrounding him in that picture?

He's Scorch, with bigger distribution.

How the cartoon character's full head of hair, healthy skin tone and 'badass' demeanor are nothing like its real-life counterpart shines a light on how much of a pale, weak faggot with unsalvageable hair actual Sam truly is.

Sam isn't even pale, he's grey. He's the ultimate expression of mongrelization

If my mother was naked and dead in the street I would not cover her body with "that" jacket.

Nice quotation marks, faggot.

thanks 😏

I love you, sweet boy.

I love you both

when your cartoon has much more hair than you

I like the theory that this logo is why he won't do something about his awful hair

Now somebody has to photoshop the logo with much less hair. Update that shit, nigga.

God I wish he would just stop existing.

That art is so fucking awful and hes had it for YEARS. Comission something that doesn't look like dogshit you fucking protohuman.

He's too cheap to go to fiverr.

He would be great candidate for John Sahag. And he should seriously consider it. Remove his whole entire scalp and just move it up 7 inches.

Could you imagine doing promo shots and being told to turn around.

The mouth down south.

Pretty cool, huh

back of his hed smells like corn chips and gym socks

How embarrassed is whoever took this picture

This is embarrassing.

I literally want to take out a fucking hit on him. His fucking face and over blown confidence just enrages me. Someone needs to beat the ever loving shit out this man-child.

his mom fucked a black man, for fakes sake.

mr roberts is a cuckold

his mom fucked a black man, for fakes sake.

So did his wife.

mr roberts is a cuckold.

Like father, like son.

sam has the same hair cut as my grandmothers pussy

Why sully those happy childhood memories of your incestuous relationship w/ your grandmother with thoughts of Sam Roberts?

the look on the faces of the guys at the printing place who made this for him would have been brilliant when he showed them the design etc

what exactly is 'not sam' ? ive never gotten why hes used thing as a website/handle etc

Besides the license plate on his Jeep?

It's the answer to "Who's a great and entertaining radio personality?"

I know, me either. Is it supposed to be like a "I hate Steven Singer" thing?

No way this guy goes on the street in that feeling all confident & cool. Probably why he's standing on the balcony at his house.

My god what a haggard looking bafoon. Pretty bad when the cartoon makes you like 94

It looks like someone bought him that as a nice gesture BC it kinda looks like him,,,, except he's an 82 year old alcoholic

In two years Sam will be having a garage sale. Some guy will negotiate this jacket from $50 to $5.

Sir, you've actually used the dollar symbol ($) instead of the cents symbol (¢) for the latter.

well played

itd be a shame for him to get drive by fart in a can sprayed wearing that

I'd hope he at least has enough self awareness to only wear that shit for a picture at home, but you know he's wearing it to the supermarket hoping to get recognized in the frozen food aisle. At least we know he doesn't have any fans and at most he's getting old ladies asking who the cartoon is then looking confused when he tells them it's him.

"Jess, put the fucking kid down and take an awesome picture of me"

How many nicknames has this fag given himself?

He's worse than Apollo Creed.

a mind trapped between worlds. This should be his last moment before you pop him in the back of the head