3 Practical Jokers: It wasn't really her birthday, but she didn't know that

89  2018-04-20 by crookedmile


MS-13 performing a “cutting ceremony”.

Qatar brothers

Nah, this is goblin Anthony before his head swelled and became ghoul Anthony

Has Anth ever not looked like tower 7 fell on Captain Eeo?

"All my kids touch the knife for good luck. Not you Anthony"

Filthy spic bastards.

How is Tranpa at least 55 here but his mother is 70?

Ro was a teenage whore.

If Ant had a DeLorean he’d go back in time to stink-knuckle her.

Show some respect, it's RoeH.

Yeah, by all accounts she was Mother of the Century. You know, freebasing cocaine with her children and all.

Are you saying serving drinks in go-go boots isn't the work of a college graduate?

Anthony looks like the super mario brother that has to inform his neighbors when he moves in.

that's what he freaked out over and tried to shut down the sub for hatespeech?
polite messages from well wishers that happened to have funny names

Seriously, that was the only time this sub has ever shown restraint. But of course, because Ant has to be the ultimate Dago, "Muddas are off limits."

Opie would’ve gotten it so much worse.

Do you really think they were all cute and good natured like that? Why would you think that for a second?

"First we cut the cake, then we freebase together!" A true Cumia tradition.

After they cut the cake, RoeH cut up that sweet paradise white and they all did rails off some 15yr old teenage runaway.

eh doing drugs with your parents can be a bonding experience, don't knock it till you try it!

difference between smoking a joint with your dad, and freebasing cocaine with your mother


You unironically have parents who do drugs? What a bunch of losers.

My mom's clean but my dad does love his amphetamines and weed. They met in rehab.

I wish I could buy amphetamines from my dad

it's pretty awesome

What's wrong with weed? Your drunkard parents taught you that drugs are all bad?

They say she had one of the finest chins in Nassau County

Look at this family of proud Moroccan immigrants.

She looked like a very sweet endearing woman.

She looks like Bobby Goren's mom on Law & Order: CI.

Somebody should cut out stupid Joe from the picture and post it to /r/happy. I would, but I'm banned.

Cut out Joe and Anthony

They all did coke and fucked eachother in the 80s ant said or something like that

I want to nut in Dawn's hair.

Dawn has "fuck me" hair

Boy I'd like to.

She looks like she came from a Glamour Shots photoshoot for her husband, Fat Opie

Jesus, Ant looks like a completely different person.

Is that the poor woman Ant didn't visit for 5 years?

Dawn Cumia I'd like cum in ya'

I can verify that photo is atleast 5 years old

I can’t wait til legal action is taken against some of you in here and the rest scatter away. You are scum of the fucking earth. You really are. I used to feel bad for a lot of you turds but now I would love nothing more than to see this place shut down and your voices silenced FOR GOOD!

What is your main goal in all of this?

I'm going to contact you daughter's school board next. You asked for it you fat faggot.

I’m shaking fuckface. I’m loved.

Come meet me somewhere you fucking puke. I’ll buy you a beer afterwards. You never show. EVER.

This was Brother joe drunk on a rant.

A puke? What are you, 60, buster?

He was gonna call you a turkey next.

I have to admit. I was a bit offended at this post. But I still laughed. Like hard. Here’s the deal Joe, part of your brother’s success came from things like this. It was ok when it was everyone else, shit, think about the songs you wrote? But it’s not okay when the trolling is directed at him. How many families did O&A trash? Nothing was off limits. So get the fuck ahold of yourself, realize that your brother created and then pissed off a legion of maniacs.

Why do we mock you? Well, you’re a jackass. I’m a marginal fan at best. I used to listen when I came home from college and worked construction. When I decided to google “the show” I found this place. You were having a meltdown at the time. You’re just an online dipshit. I would never have known who you were unless you were saying something incredibly racist, or denying that you said anything racist like two days later. Any way, I kind of feel bad when people attack your bands shows and whatnot, but you rea are a fucking cunt who isn’t learning his lesson with social media.

You can create as many alt accounts as you want. Each one is fodder. You can try to change the way you type, but it’s the content that gives you away.

So from someone who literally doesn’t give a fuck about you, would you just shut the fuck up for a few years. This stops when you stop, cunt.

Spent a lot of time coming up with that? Pathetic. Just another dumb lonely Tarzan Boy. Liberal fucking cuck.

You don’t get it. I’m not your enemy. You are. Dipshit

You don’t get it. This place is gonna be gone soon and I cannot wait for that to happen.

Joe, your been trying for months. Your brother offered 5k for it to be done. It hasn’t happened. It doesn’t matter if it is somehow shut down. It doesn’t stop because of a gathering place. It stops when you stop giving us something to hate.

Good luck trying to shut this sub down. I hope you’re successful. I don’t give a shit. Just remember how you acted when people were trying to get your brother kicked off the air.

You mean earth?

Joe, the hydra effect is a real thing.

This is Joseph Cumia:

I'd like to believe that. But I know how autistic we can get. I'd say someone is imitating him in the same way that he imitates The Edge.

I’ll counter SUE your ass!

And then Sue will fuck his brother's ass for unrelated reasons.

Progressive Iranian family celebrating a birthday in the Western way

Little did she know her sewer rat son would abandon her for her final 5 years.


They look like meth addicts.

Come meet me. I’ll buy you a beer after I kick your ass.

I've yet to see a picture of Dawn where I wouldn't fuck the shit out of her. She really has that 'great in bed' look.

In all seriousness, this is the meanest post I've ever seen and I love it.

She looks much more Caucasian than her three Middle Eastern children.

whats with brojoe having his eyes closed in every picture.



Ugh can we move past making fun of old dead ladies

Anthony is holding the pipe out of the photo.