Reminder: This man has been unemployed for 288 days.

22  2018-04-20 by ChrisMMatthews


Ha! I've got him beat easily.

haters said the same thing back in 04 and the bbboys went on to spread the virus all across America. no reason why he cant do it again!

But he was by contract not allowed to work. This is different. He can work but isn’t.


doesn't he work at South Park Elementary School?

"I'm waiting for these people to call me back! I put in an application two months ago"

Hopefully he only lives for another 2.88

he's also a millionaire so it's really not a big deal for him

That is one handsome man

One day, two children in New York are going to get their asses kicked on a daily basis because their father is Gregg "Opie" Hughes. They'll be teased by being called Opie Junior.