My asshole hang loose like sleeve of wizard

76  2018-04-20 by justneedtologin


Every time I see a picture of him I get a craving for döner kebab.

Not a pedophile standing next to pedophile.

Like a wet sewer rat

He's the secondary character in every Stallone/Schwarzenegger movie that betrays the hero and gets torn apart limb from limb

He looks like the guy who forgot the spare batteries in True Lies

It's hilarious that he calls himself a white man.

It's hilarious that he calls himself a man.

I guess, by that logic, he is indeed still hilarious.

He looks like an uglier Mo Salah.

He's another Mo.

Loved in in Ferris Bueller when he took the car out for a spin

"What country do you think this is?"

I'm thinking western Kyrgyzstan probably near the Uzbek border

THIS UGLY SON OF A BITCH is about to sell you a $45 iPhone charger AND BASICALLY you're fucking stupid

Anyone else suddenly have a craving for falafel?

Look at the pipes on this Turkmenistanian...

I hate to correct you, but it would be Turkmen, Sir

Damnit. I am humiliated. Dan these desert ppl and their confusing ethnicities!

He reminds me of the guy who sold me cigarettes when I was 17.

Camel mechanic.

But he's been called sexy.

Just a couple of pale Aryans feeling good about their purity. I don't see the problem.

Ya think the Anglo kids gave him a tough time back in school?

Anglo kids are lame asses anyway (think Sam) so who gives a shit

First off, Sam is a half-breed.

Second, Boomer punched Ant in the face so not all whites are super lame. Even if more whites are pussies nowadays compared to then, doesn't mean all are. Or do you think highschoolers have to stab each other to have cred?

Third, Ant obviously cares which was the point of my turgid joke, as he brought a teenage date to his reunion to try and impress people he hadn't seen in years.

I was just looking for a reason to shit on Sam tbh

As long as he draws nasally breath there will be many reasons.

His level of ugliness never ceases to amaze me. He's ugly to the point where it's almost offensive, like a bad smell. He's not just 'not good-looking', he's actively ugly. It's like he was designed by an SFX team who were trying to create an extremely ugly Moroccan terrorist character. People shouldn't be that ugly. He looks like he would spoil the appetite of anyone who was unfortunate enough to catch a glimpse of him while eating.

I believe it "sieve" of wizard. Dotards.

I hate to correct you, but it would be Turkmen, Sir