Dr. Steve must have a lot of free time in-between killing patients at the hospice, because he's a very active redditor.

20  2018-04-20 by Boxatorium

He doesn't just pop on here to respond to our nonsense, like other people related to the show do.


he kills because he cares

I wish I was one of his patients.

So does this sub

He is doing God's work.

Back off ... he is an untouchable on this sub. Find something or someone else to shit talk

Hospice? Why not hopaprika and hoturmeric n’ shiz.

wait wait wait, more like hosURINE or somethin' I dunno, I'm just riffin'

dr. steve rules


"Dr. Steve must have a lot of free time in-between killing patients at the hospice.."

Comment, /u/drsteve103

I don't sleep.

Modafinil suppositories?

they burn. they burn REAL GOOD

Dr Steve, I actually tried Modafinil in two different occasions a year ago and it only gave me an intense headache and no increase in productivity. Should I go the adderall route you think?

fuck, dude, I have no clue. I could say "sure, brah" and then your head explodes and I'm like "uh oh" and your family is like "pay up, yo" and I'm like "naw."

But I do think you should discuss it with your prescriber, as they will know your medical history and can make a judgement based on your medical history, risks, benefits and alternatives. Do you have a diagnosis of adult ADD?

Dr Steve, what ever became of “ask a prostitute?” The intro song used to be my text tone but sadly I lost it when I got a new phone :(

I can send you the mp3 of the theme song if you'll email me!

He's a real class act that Dr. Steve.

Hey Dr. Steve, I had a splinter in my foot for a week and now it's gone. Where did it go?

Fortunately, there is no mechanism for a splinter in an extremity to travel to the heart. The only thing nearby are capillaries and they're just to small and tortuous to allow a foreign body of that size to move freely. The only way you could get a splinter to make it to the heart (don't get any ideas) would be to somehow deposit it in a large vein (like the femoral or iliac veins, which are above the knee) and let it loose. Even then, it's going to go to the right side of the heart, where venous blood goes, and then get pumped out to the lungs where it will be trapped. Yes, if it harbors bacteria it could cause a rash of problems, but most likely it'd just kill the small area of lung the pulmonary arteriole it's now lodged in (remember, vessels flowing away from the heart are called arteries) feeds, just like a blood clot would. This would now be called a non-thrombotic pulmonary embolism, or foreign body pulmonary embolism. In 30+ years of doing this shit, I've never seen such a thing.

Anyway, your dumb splinter just fell out as the skin sloughed off naturally.

Thanks Dr. Steve!

What’s your email Dr Steve? I am anxiously awaiting the reunion between me and this jingle!

PS. Was an awesome segment for the record.

go to doctorsteve.com and click "Contact" and I'll try and find it for you. thanks pal

Post the mp3 somewhere when you get it. I want to hear it too.

Thanks Doc! Good shit.

Self-medicated tbph with you

Is there any legal precedent for that within the last 40 years?

Not that I'm aware of; it's kind of unknown territory. I use it to get out of answering questions I don't know the answer to. :-)

He kills patients that’s why he has all that free time

Dr. Steve really embarrassed himself when he had Ron on as a guest and then treated his appearance as a reason to throw a party. I think that is why Ron hates his guys to this day.

wait wait wait, more like hosURINE or somethin' I dunno, I'm just riffin'

Fortunately, there is no mechanism for a splinter in an extremity to travel to the heart. The only thing nearby are capillaries and they're just to small and tortuous to allow a foreign body of that size to move freely. The only way you could get a splinter to make it to the heart (don't get any ideas) would be to somehow deposit it in a large vein (like the femoral or iliac veins, which are above the knee) and let it loose. Even then, it's going to go to the right side of the heart, where venous blood goes, and then get pumped out to the lungs where it will be trapped. Yes, if it harbors bacteria it could cause a rash of problems, but most likely it'd just kill the small area of lung the pulmonary arteriole it's now lodged in (remember, vessels flowing away from the heart are called arteries) feeds, just like a blood clot would. This would now be called a non-thrombotic pulmonary embolism, or foreign body pulmonary embolism. In 30+ years of doing this shit, I've never seen such a thing.

Anyway, your dumb splinter just fell out as the skin sloughed off naturally.