You're not invited!!

56  2018-04-20 by crookedmile


Is this new? He's sending this out in April? Oooooh, so exclusive!

Look at all those Guinea names

Any of us in the Tri state area should show up wearing those Anthony masks

Sena is a Spanish surname so somebody's mommy got deep dicked by a Bronx Puerto Rican at some point.

I hope they accidentally invite Frank Castle and it goes as well as any Italian party Castle crashes.

You’re a nerd

This faggot haven't read Garth Ennis' Punisher

I suppose you don't like awesomeness.

No shit. Of all the mob references available to make, the last one should be about funny book mobsters.

Frank Castle is Italian, "Castle" is a alias, his birth name is Castiglioni.

...and then there was Pete the Faggot, who was Sally Balls’s brother

What a faggot

I can't imagine even thinking about what I'm doing next month let alone in 8 months.

Me neither but that's because next week's plan involves a noose and a chair.

I can imagine what I'll be doing in 8 months. Not attending the shindig of the century!

Well you wouldn't want to book a trip to anywhere fun and miss this EPIC GALA. I don't care what he says, I'm getting into this fucking party. If I don't I may kill myself.

Phew. That means only the select few like Bobo and the other pests who are Anthony's real life friends will be invited.

Please share

that's not how this works you inbred spaghetti nigger

Joe is one tough customer

He is so easy to hate.

It's his only talent. He is wondrous and almost exceptional in his hateability.

/u/TheBlueAwning, looks like Nigger Joe is worried about more kid fucking and illegal drug secrets getting out.

I heard Joe Cumia pays kids to spit in his mouth.

I've also heard this before and accept this as fact.

I heard that too, from this guy I know.

Redwood Originals only

I wonder if Compound security will also ban the drunken live stream beating and humiliation of a special needs man?

Chemical warfare

He didnt post this today did he? This has to be from Decmeber 2017, right?

It’s gotten to the point where either could be true in regards to Jenkem

So no niggers and Jews . Talk about a bracchiole fest

Fred Levine - Jew.

Carlton - a black one.

One of each allowed to demonstrate non-racist views, amidst the fbi crime stats and "Hitler was a quitter" conversations.

Inbred spaghetti niggers.

You’ve never done that for a party? Oh that’s right you don’t have a large group of friends you lonely sad sack of shit! Go eat some McDonald’s fatty! Big Mac today or a Quarter Pounder with cheese? Fat piece of shit! Go back to the basement!

hey go easy on him


You forgot to tag it with “back to obscurity with you.”

No, i wouldn't post it on facebook. I would send invitation-cards or talk to people instead, like a regular fucking person you faggot.

And no, don't take pride in having friends, they all turn on you anyway.

I've never done that for someone else's party, no.

Go back to the basement!

There it is.

Doesn't Anthony spend most of his time in his mildewed and poorly ventilated basement?

I mean you know, when hes not in his home theater fingering the pussy of a drunk 14 year old.


I wonder if all these people are felons

This is something to post in November.

Who the fuck would want to show up to that house of horrors?


Other octogenarians.

Because he's acting this is actually some kind of big deal, we should all show up.

I am not sure Joe understands the term 'field day'. He really is more dumb than my asshole!

Nice revealing of civilians, stupid!

Cappadonna's a pretty good rapper tho fam

Is Johnny “Two times” invited?

"I gotta go get the kid spit, get the kid spit."

Get the loli, the loli.

Also, where are the mods of this page? This has people’s personal info listed and a lot of these good people don’t want to be harassed by the Reddtards.

It's a bunch of stupid fucking names that were posted publicly by the fat retard Joe Cumia. No one is getting harassed, these are nobodies like you.

The only thirteen-year-olds Joe wants to see in Ant's bedroom are those who were invited.

...any uninvited thirteen-year-olds will be ejected from the premises - with extreme prejudice!!

Oh, no, they’re not turning away young teens.

"Now I hear the sawseej here is pretty good ...."

The Ugh List

its a trap.
he knows you guys will take this as a way to annoy them by showing up and then they would have the right to call the cops. this smells like he is posting a clear warning that would stand up in court to prosecute whomever shows up and gets arrested. don't do it.

Who would?

I'll stay home. I'm wearing the red paper hat at Panera and things are starting to look up.

Shouldn’t Anthony be posting this considering it’s his house? Also it’s the end of April, why the fuck is he talking about New Year’s Eve?

Holy shit, by the end of this I assume he was talking about a birthday thing or something, this idiot is posting to Facebook about the poker crew new year party in April ? What the fuck

Joe's like a fucking high school chick. "These are the only people invited to my birthday: Tammy Carly Emma C. (NOT EMMA K. - ew!)...

Is this a lost episode of Mean Girls?

I am embarrassed for them all

And to think I really was believing I'd finally be able to party with Fred From Brooklyn.

”Regular poker crew” crew


So... like any other party, Joe?

No, I'm good. I'll just go to the nearest old folks home and hang out there to get the same experience as the retirement 'compound'.

Why would he even post this then ?

He's making rules for someone else's party?

Joe really is a dummy. He basically gave the more aggressive trolls a list of important people in the Cumia universe. Anthony should beat you like he did Bobo.

Isn't it ironic that it is Bobo, that these days is keeping his brother's network afloat?

Uhhh, this is April, right? And look how he just "takes charge" as if it's his house.

Oh great I already booked my plane ticket on January 2nd now what am I going to do?

"Please share: Fatso Spaghettio x100"

They're going to the mattresses. Things are about to get real ugly.

Hope one or both of the Cumia bros rings in the New Year like William H. Macy in Boogie Nights.

Hopefully somebody at this crummy party will ring in the New Year like William H. Macy in Boogie Nights. Anyone who attends would be a worthy candidate.

Lol fucking old man retard

Low Rent Long Island Wop Pedofest

Friends of friends probably aren’t following your Facebook page Joe, meaning they won’t know to not “show up”.

I don't see Dennis Falcone on this list. I cannot approve of this party.

Isn't it ironic that it is Bobo, that these days is keeping his brother's network afloat?