Watch this and feel better about your friends, even if you don't have any.

0  2018-04-20 by KillaKuhnsDeadSon


Abundant douche chills

Was hoping Martin Bryant would show up

im angry now

What do normal people do at these things?

If this sub ever had a meet up there would be at least one over dose and a couple sexual assaults

Bams_Seed would get pregnant again.

Then she would give birth to great stallion who mounts the world

the third MABUS

To 2018! The year One.

Why are the women all like a solid 2-3 hot point hirer than the guys, objectively.


you aint gotta lie Craig, we know you gay as hell

Happy 420, bruthaman

love you! i was gonna shout out you and some others in the periscope, but i got too caught up in the shine

malcolm x in the middle whipping huskies toss pot snake 86 bams seed

i know im forgetting some names

I love you both

Please don't.

i cant do that retroactively

That's fair.

Happy 420, bruthaman