Bobo's sister is traveling the globe to escape the memories.

18  2018-04-20 by Dennyislife


How long has this finger puppet been on vacation anyways?

At least six months.

She's not even attractive I just wouldn't be that bothered if I heard some third worlder tore her a third hole down there while she begged him about how she's a Malcolm X scholar.

That don't make no sense

I guess the joke past you by dude

Maybe you should explain it

That always makes things funnier

Don't worry, he did.

“Passed you by.” We are educated men here, sir. Please, have some decorum.

bob kelly joke,

You guys are real sharp.

Wait... sorry... what?

"Begged him about how she's..." dude, you're a spastic fool.

I'm a "spastic fool" because you didn't get a reference to a widely known news story. Fag

Go on then, enlighten me; what was your genius reference?

Some white bitch activist got raped in a third world country by a jungle chocolate man and when she begged him to stop by telling him she was a Malcolm X activist and she hated whitey to maaan, he slapped her in the face and fucked her in the ass.

Cool... you realise I was mocking your phrasing, right?

No, you didn't get the joke and then you tried to act like a know it all and then got mad when there was actually a story behind it. Oh it's about my phrasing is it, Shakespeare? Take a dick

No. He was mocking your retarded phrasing. Retard.

You keep pussies dry

Woah got any more zingers for me? Gee golly what a laugh riot you are, guy.

You're soooo funny with that hack bit that black people do to mock whites Golly gee willickers !!!

you should keep talking. It's doing wonders for you.

I'm not talking retard, we're on the internet.


Now do that for your awful posts.

Still going huh? embarrassing. Also, i don't care about how my posts are received. Reddit isn't that serious, nerd. I like how you keep replying days later. I'm done flattering your need for attention.

Yet you're replying, days later. Hahaha, faggot.

Bow out bro it's all good. You'll get the next one.

But you wont.

Take a dick? You're doing it on purpose now, right?

You missed it you fat pig

You missed it.

This guy is a real character. How’s your day, friend?

Sounds hot. Link so I can jerk it?

If you wouldn’t fuck her, you are gay as shit.

A $50 flight is not exactly breaking the bank. Iceland is one of the most expensive countries in the world though...

One dollar on flights when you are asking strangers to pay your mother's bills is one dollar too much.

Well she went to Switzerland recently,and that's even more expensie esp with the (((franc))) bubble. It was a qucik jet set trip to Milan either before or after that.

Bitch is ballin' high tier

Fucking parked in zurich once. It's like $70 for a day on a regular street that in any other country would be free. The swiss are smart enough to charge. Also a coffee was $7

my dude you got a ticket

No joke. I got a burger and 2 beers there and somehow it was like $60

How was the burger?

Pretty good. I don’t think they import meat so everything was fresh and good.

The hot dogs were really good. Made of lambs or reindeer or some shit.

Did you put ketchup or mustard on your hotdog?

Oh I’m glad you asked, I got it with some weird mustard and some mayo type stuff with herbs in it. And fried onions.

You can read about it here:

Have a wonderful day, friend

Looks pretty good. I think I remember Nordon talking about falling in love with an Icelandic Hot dog or some weird shit. I have to get up there and try one.

That be a briny mistress

The yogurt in Switzerland is insane. It's not exported, so you have to go there to have it. It's so good

What happened to the groceries?

Same shit happened to me when I was there. We found a grocery store hoping it would be cheaper, but it wasn't that much cheaper.

Maybe they spread COCAINE on CHEESEBURGERS

Shes probably going over there to eat ikea meatballs

Anyone got more Instagram pics of her that I can jerk off to?

She made her account private after a hilariously long time of it being public.

Erock has bigger tits than this flatso

There's no distant land far enough from the long arm of a retarded pot-clanging, Mets panty-wearing brother and his pedophilic rapist idol.

Nuh, I never wore BANTIES AWRITE

The travels more than most CEOs.

More unfortunate mishaps will happen soon.

🐜 is probably funding it to keep her quiet

How much was the GoFundMe?

I really think it was Bobo just getting tickets to sporting events.

An all expense paid trip around the world is more like, "I'll tell the world what you did to me, you rich pedo..."

Seems like a pay-off to me

Women only believe they're worth something if they do shit they see Instagram models do.

They really are simpletons when you break it down.

Hot take

Back to obscurity with you!

It's ad Unforchunit Itenerary AWLROIGHT

I really want to hate her for ripping people off...but considering she was molested by Anthony? I just don't have the heart to anymore

I guess the joke past you by dude

One dollar on flights when you are asking strangers to pay your mother's bills is one dollar too much.

Well she went to Switzerland recently,and that's even more expensie esp with the (((franc))) bubble. It was a qucik jet set trip to Milan either before or after that.

Bitch is ballin' high tier

No joke. I got a burger and 2 beers there and somehow it was like $60