I like dicks

59  2018-04-20 by thats-the-bit


AIDS Blanka.

God what a hideous person.

Made for radio.

and science

It is truly monstrous! Something to terrify children and their parents in both conscious and subconscious. You see that nigga creeping in the cut and you use rocks, sticks, chains, knives, guns to keep that Albert Fish offspring from snatchin' the youngins and doing ungod knows what to them!

Imagine the guts it takes to leave the house and face the world everyday, looking like that.

And throw on some high top Nikes for added disgrace.

It’s not guts. He’s proven he has none of those. It’s an inflated delusional sense of self-worth brought on by a coddling mother, and a meaty breasted hack of a radio idol that protects you during the beginning of your career.

If Opie Senior had allowed Sam to get the bashings that he truly deserves, Opie Junior would’ve been put in his place years ago

Are there ANY photos out there where he doesn’t look like a complete douchebag?


My favorite Sam Roberts quote. Second favorite Sam Roberts quote is “I wanna kiss more guys”.

"I kissed...three guys."




Sideshow Bob on AZT.

Honest question for everyone. Do you think he looks better in this younger picture or current day?

"I wanna kiss more guys."
- Sam Roberts

Ol' Sammy "I kissed three guys" Braaaaanmuffinz

He looks like a fucking muppet from Labyrinth. Maybe it's his weird expression but he reminds me of one of these: http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20060912175351/muppet/images/0/05/Fiery1.jpg

Jimmy's cameo: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-isTz8sLchvM/TVUPyGrQqtI/AAAAAAAAAQ4/BXkQa7I3F4A/s1600/worm1.jpg

It's one movie that the whole O&A crew could agree on. Jim stares at Bowie's pecka the whole movie. Ant salivates at the idea of luring teen girls into his creepy lair. Sam and erock no doubt enjoy the muppetry. Opie goes deep with the Bowie

The sad thing is, this was taken before he started losing his hair.

Malcolm Suckswell