anyone think the new reddit layout is atrocious?

17  2018-04-20 by RapistWithHIV

hold on, the text on the screen is loading.


Everyone does.

don't use it then

Is it possible to learn this power?

It's so bad that it looks like the background of a Compound Media show.

The new layout is atrocious but nothing on the planet assaults the eyes quite like the background of Compound Media.

Not used reddit itself in years. Reddit is fun app better layout. Does mean I miss sidebar pictures though

It sucks my dick. So many websites that try to update their look end up making the functionality worse in the process. In this case, why the fuck do the options to save, hide and report a link now require me to click a stupid 3-dot button to access them when there's plenty of room? Same with changing between hot, new, rising on a subreddit - it's now in a dropdown even though the rest of that area is just a big empty white fag bar.

Might be in order to track your activity more efficiently.


That's how it is with every product and service. It works fine and then some douches behind the scenes have to add needless "change" to create work for themselves, and end up adding nothing or making it worse

If it isn't broken don't fix it