Watched the new YKWD on youtube, Soder is totally fucking Bobby's new intern.

1  2018-04-19 by assreaper



OMG, i heard Karen has a crush on Brad!

c'mon gang, let's gab!

I heard that somebody (I won't say who) let's just call him "antonio cumheria" drinks more than he should.

You didn't hear it from me

Next you will tell me Joe is a pedophile! I'm on to you.


Opie and Anthony used to be close.

any other spicy hot gos???

Soder's voice makes love to me whenever i hear his sexy, basso, dulcet tones.


Ssst joe matress has left social media ssst.

I think Luis mentioned this on LOS a few weeks back

Well "Bobby" at least you motivated me to watch this otherwise horrible show. Well played.

She's definitely riding Dan like a steel horse and going down on him in a blaze of glory.

Christ, I bet he does his Macho Man impression while fucking.

Wow. Bobby has Acid Re-flux. Fat fuck. I so hate him. Diet or die... if you want my request its the later!

Latter, retard

as we all are avid watchers of Bobby's podcast, you don't have to post a screenshot with her in the picture or anything similar...

Jew broad who swallows Soder cum