Request: Post your worst photos of Anthony

39  2018-04-19 by SHITLORD_CUNTDICK

Please and thank you. This would make my day.


His hair looks like it belongs in a mop bucket.

Hahaha. It does

This is one of the best threads this sub has ever produced

Oh my God look at the shirt under his shirt - it's one of those Facebook robot generated shirts! What a fucking tool.

What the fuck?

Holy Jesus ....

Ro Would Have Won She Had The Baby Pictures

Mike Tyson is not a tall guy, didn't know these fellas were all Brad Williams sized

Sweet Mother of Christ ....

Swiss cheese faced nigger

This is the best one if its true

It is and it is.

This photo is physically nauseating to look at.

What type of reptile is this?

Looks like someone dragged a fucking cheese grater across his face.

That white trash fuck ought to know how to use bondo!

Poor little mug's face looks like a fox was rompin around in some pink snow asumptin.

Looks like dirty ravaged bubble gum.

ohh. I get it! you jokester tussles hair

Right next to the restrooms.

They know their demographic.

I wonder where the restrooms are located?

That's a horrible fitting suit, looks like he should be in a coffin.

And she looks like she just crawled out of one.

For a fan of mafia movies he has no swagger or style of any kind. He's whatever the Italian equivalent of a plastic paddy is.

This is one of the most disturbing images I have ever seen. He’s a shameless creep.

This is one of the most disturbing images I have ever seen.

Try this one on for size

The epitome of cringe


It would've been great if her pussy father leapt onto him and ripped his face off like a pissed off pet chimp.

Would it?


I hate that pic!Close the fucking closet before you take a picture Ansel Adams.


Not to give myself away, but I'm going to sort through these and start a bracket of 64 with voting to determine the absolute worst photo of Anthony ever (the Tyson photo is going to be a number 1 seed in the Ghoul Division).

Capital idea, m'lord!

Name every division

Ghoul division
Negro division
Tunisian division
Faggot division

Should be easy to find 16 of each

Ghoul Division Pock Division Nana Division Wop Division

I'm scared to click on any of these.

Oh shit I didnt even consider it like that

Phil Fish installs Call of Duty.

Compile & turn into a gif for his Twitter comments.

Home fawkin run

His cheeks are like the back of a fat old woman's legs

Look how much healthier that other dude looks

Phil Fish installs Call of Duty.