Old Drunk calls himself hilarious

57  2018-04-19 by BlueBash


The linked tweet was tweeted by @AnthonyCumiacm on Apr 19, 2018 10:36:26 UTC (2 Retweets | 54 Favorites)

Corrado is hilarious. Really pounded this guy. Funny thread. https://twitter.com/CorradoSoprano4/status/986915127424364545

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5:36 AM.

Say what you will about Danny, but he has clearly gotten under Ant's skin. Keep it up.


Can't be too hard. He just found a pock mark and dove right in.

Dear Lord, what a cuck this man is. Look at that profile pic. Does he know that he's cucking himself for another cuck? Can I say cuck more? I don't know but I'm trying dammit!


Love it.

Reported him for threatening violence.


True patriots


That guys embarrassing

Did he forget that we know it's him? He really is a wet brained faggot.

His Twitter feed is genuinely....saddening.

A drunken 60yo recluse running alt accounts and pretending they're somebody else until 6am, to watching pirated films in his theater all alone and tweeting his thoughts about them because he has nobody in his life to come around and keep him company.

Not to mention retweeting people saying it's so disgusting that people are making fun of the death of Barbara Bush, when that's something he did constantly his entire career. Anyone who genuinely defines themselves based on the political party they vote for is fucking retarded.

Staggering hypocrisy is kinda Ant's thing these days. A few examples -

  • Works for Alex Jones. Used to mock conspiracy theorists as nuts.
  • Talks about traditional values. Caught red-handed grooming underage girl online. Admits he'd fuck 13 year olds if he could get away with it.
  • Tries to win argument with M by attacking his morals for defending OJ. This is a man who bit and stomped his 90lb gf, was sent to court ordered rehab and bragged about drinking there, was fired for his racist Twitter tirade etc.

This list could go on and on but you get the idea.

It’s not even hypocrisy anymore with Anthony. He’s just a drunken coward that says funny things every once in a while.

Used to say funny things

You mean to tell me (this)[http://i.imgur.com/7CitZaJ.jpg] isn't the embodiment of traditional family values? I'll have you know in some cultures it's tradition to deflower them while they're still a few credits shy of a high school diploma, and you're eligible for AARP discounts.

So, his big 'brag' was that he took Dr. Dr. Frank N. Furter her prom, and we're not supposed to think there's multiple things odd about that?

He also said he'd employ OJ in a second

I hope everyone is doing their job and remembering to report him. I want to live to see him kicked off twitter again.

He probably gives himself feverish pep talks in the mirror like Dirk Diggler, repeatedly reaffirming to himself that he's a big bright shining star of hilarity.

"I'm a fucking rock and roll star, please, please just let my fucking cock get hard..."

At six am, after a night of heavy drinking, Anthony may well have forgotten that he wrote that.

Who the FUCK are his ballwashers? Who would look up to a woman-biting, gun-losing, law-breaking, sanctimonious, bald, ugly, egomaniacal ephebophile to the point where they suck him off like this? How pathetic are these people?

Tap me in Ant, he'll be shitting his teeth into a bed pan. @ToPancakesHouse @CorradoSoprano4

Will ya? Will ya really have Danny Ross shitting his teeth into a bedpan? Faggots, the lot of them.

Joe Cumia types. Old faggot wannabe tough guys who think if they tongue Ant's asshole hard enough they might get an invite to the saddest poker table on Earth.

Imagine the smell of that place.

I think it was Dani who said once that his basement is really poorly ventilated. It must smell like death during his stupid karaoke parties.

Weekly Long Island NAMBLA Chapter meeting topic: "Bacha bazi is an ancient and storied tradition. This cultural practice is a rich and aesthetic experience for all involved."

The kind of people quick to call someone a fag or nerd, yet these twats know every mundane detail about Mobsters from the 60's...based on movies.

I'm the same except I know it through books. Where we at with reading non-fiction about criminals to feel some excitement in our boring drug addled lives? sniff

i forgot who the guy on the left is but every time i see this picture he gives me the creeps.

i wouldnt be surprised if he had his daughter chained up in a secret room in his basement for the last 15 years

A group of fat old men with Florentine's record collection, Joe's politics, and Plankfoot's sense of humor. They want to be included in Anthony's "Ginzo Hugh Hefner on a Budget" lifestyle.

I’m guessing a lot of people might not know about these things in Ants past. I didn’t until I joined the subreddit.

The guy who tweeted that also tweeted 3 times to Jimmy thanking him for the best night of his life when he took a picture with him. And he looks about as tough as Anthony, which is to say not at all.

A bunch of Italian wannabe gangsters who think Goodfellas was a documentary.

This old man is literally retweeting one of his alt accounts at 6 in the morning so he can feel like he's got a victory over a guy he used to work with whom he calls pathetic. All on a platform that has banned him multiple times and that cost him his incredibly easy job that paid him millions.

It's staggering how far this old faggot has fallen in the last few years.

he can go lower too.

Don't forget about the assaults, hack shows, and transsexualism.

Thought ant was against using fake name accounts...

You may be surprised to find out anthony is a hypocrite, kinda like how he hates black ppl for crime yet is a repeat criminal himself

You know there does seem to be a pattern now that you bring it up

What a fag danny is trying to earn money, like where does that queer get off?

This is some Opie level shit. Good lord.

Does Anthony know that we know Corrodo is his other twitter account?

Ant is far more pathetic now than Uncle Junior was at the end of The Sopranos. Even in his dementia addled state, Corrado had the good sense to look out a window but all Anthony allows himself to look at is Twitter.

"Compound Network"

"I was a part of that?"

Danny straight up calls him a pedophile with specific accusations and he doesn't even slightly address them.

Ant definitely did something

I bet he woke up early and tweeted this before having a healthy breakfast and going for a jog.

Corrado is still hilarious!