You are on a deserted island...

2  2018-04-19 by Ceneibrie

The only way to get off is to have sex with one of these women... Lady Di, Sandy Kane, Stalker Patty. Killing self, although the correct answer, is not an option. Consider it an F, Kill, Kill and the other two get killed. I have to choose Patty only because I dont like the idea of vomitting while having sex and that would be my best chance.


Admiral Di has the boat you stupid fucking idiot.

That is the only choice brother. At least you wouldn't have the stench of stale beer or the sight of a possibly disease ridden, fluid filled, crusty pustule.

Where are we at with Crusty Pustule? Is that a good band name or what brotherman

Why do so many people not seem to realize you don't need to be inside of another person to get rid of the poison? Like prison bull queers. "Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do when you're on the inside." Uh, no. You really don't.

I've never heard it called poison except by Opie

Patty for sure. That way you won't get VD.

Sandy got those big juggs.