He looks like such a fucking cunt

56  2018-04-19 by David_Tosk


Just another 50 something try hard.ick.

Poor little mug didn't get enough gabagool to eat when he was a boy. That ain't right. His mudda shunta otta done nat. He woulda had nutrician sometimes.

It's a very delicate situation.

Poor little mug got all gussied up but he couldn't lift the bowling ball.

Poor little mug was just trying to get home to mudda and eat a buncha sausages and peppers but he fell into a spiderweb

Hey it's me Joe Matarese, ya ever get it when you have the legs of an 11 year old girl?

is this why ant will always have him on his show?

I feel bad for the cunt that had to take this picture

Looks like every other faggot at Starbucks

this sub rules.

that guy def looks a fucking cunt.

Does he still have that Pee Wee Herman haircut? That look was in about 15 years ago.

I hate that thin faggot hoodie he always wears

Joe Matarese, World's oldest High School freshman.

Is that why Anth is fucking with him?

I still don’t know who this guy is.

Hey it's me.... Joe Matarese

Some faggot.

This cunt should be bartending or being a janitor, he's way over his maximum potencial with this comedy thing.

What a surprise that he hasn't deleted his social media like he said he would.

The OandA extended universe where everyone still pretends they're 20.

that's how I imagine sam Roberts stands srounf

Joe, I've got an experimental prescription drug in its trial phase that hard-wires the brain to generate great comedy. Just mix a tablespoon of this miracle powder into your oatmeal every morning and you'll fulfill your aspiration of becoming Philly Seinfeld. (slides over box of rat poision)

Explain it more.

Who the fuck is that?

This man looks like a fucking idiot

Looks and is

You can tell his wife buys his clothes to make him look like a weak bitch. Those long sleeved shirts with the hoods are the antithesis of masculinity.

I mean if you can't make it work for you, that's on you.

Pull the flash back, stupid. You're not a 50s movie star.

His shoes and face makes me want to Chris Benoit my household.

Well don't let us stop you.

Well he IS a fucking cunt so it checks out.

If it walks like a cunt, and talks like a cunt, it’s probably...me, Joe Matarese!