Am I the only one freaked out by these youtube channels exploiting children?

7  2018-04-19 by TinKnockinMoroccan

There are so many of them. Where they just have a brown kid( who clearly doesn't want to be involved in the project) opening toys or eating something. How can we have child labor laws but it's okay to make your kid open a wrestling doll for youtube money?


why are you watching youtube videos of little brown kids opening toys?

I have my thumb on the pulse of youtube mems.

im sure you have your thumb on something

Because in some cultures even children have to earn their keep. And if it isn't the easy way, it'll be the hard way, with all the holes god gave you.

Jesus. I thought it was just greedy parents in the US.

Why else would you have a kid?

Brown kids opening toys? You mean the Cumia children on Christmas?

If this reditor isn't the most outstanding ever then my name isn't dad

Child labor laws should be abolished.

I have my thumb on the pulse of youtube mems.