Jealous little haters

0  2018-04-19 by TarzanBoyNight2Night

It’s a shame how their are still fans of Opie, Anthony, etc on here and you ALL shit on them and make them feel unwelcome. Downvote there posts or just make them not want to hang out here.

Sick of it. You are all untalented because if you you were you would be focusing on that.

Everything is shit on here. It’s sad. Some of you really need help. You probably couldn’t go ONE DAY without posting here.

Buncha Tarzan Boys.


You contribute nothing. And did you enjoy the three day wait before you could post again? I hope these ironies are not lost on you.

Where’s your crown King Nothing?

Nice spelling, stupid.

"Tarzan boy" sounds like an insult Opie would think is funny.

Sounds like something ant would enjoy as well

The Tarzan boys shit makes me laugh because it's obviously your autism hyper-fixating on the song despite the lyrics having fuck-all to do with whatever insult you cobbled together from them.

I've also warmed to Tarzan Boys


Okay, but I won't play it too loudly. I know how sensitive to sound people with your condition are.

I think all the boys are swell.

i want to yell this while penetrating you


you gay! you gay! you gay!

step back! Step back! u betta step back!

This guy gets it.

Of course someone who likes Opie cannot spell.


Looks like someone's trying to get a seat at the poker table.