Norton in History (79/100)

119  2018-04-19 by aRTie02150


As autistic as this sub is and as much as we beat memes into submission Norton crossing the Delaware with Washington is both clever and educational

Well maybe he was the navigator, checking the GPS and shit

This is bullshit. They didn't have phones back then

Brings to mind one of the autists here created the traitorous character Benedict Norton.

Brits, comment?

Something something snarky something something incomprehensible cockney slang something something

Norton crossdressing the Delaware

Just because I’m in a boat full of men in wigs doesn’t make me gay, you say odd shit to people dude

Nortown is a British faggot

Please, his name is Redcoat Jimmy

Lazy basterd.Not even rowing.....

Keep rowing the boat, stupid.

Taxation without representation? I dunno man, that's a tough one. I don't wanna motherfuck the English.

"Nice redcoats, stupid." Nailed 'em, Jim

The unaware crossing the Delaware.