The new podcast

6  2018-04-18 by adorableboysyndrome

Do you guys think that Opie will take calls on his new podcast broadcast? He doesn't need to, he can do a great show with just him and his guys, but I think it would add a whole extra level of entertainment.


his guys

i'm so ready to hate this piece of shit

The worst part about this is it won't even be "so bad it's good" like The Room of podcasts

It'll just be obnoxious and inane bullshit from the consumate luscious breasted blonde zilch, Opie, and hack comedians who can't cut it elsewhere.

I'd listen to "The Room of Podcasts".

Oh hi Bam.

If there’s no phones, he’ll complain for weeks about there being no phones.

"Management has no fawkin idea what good podcasting is!"

ME: Oooohhhhh Mars! Can you fix the fawkin phones?!

snaps fingers authoritatively

He said it was all pre recorded then edited

Poor guy who edits that turd.

"Turd, Turd"

This thing will be an absolute dud. The Bam and tit related calls would be the only thing worth listening for.

ME: Certain Online forums have been FAWKIN talkin about my podcast nonstop sniff

If we're being honest, Jim and Opie Roberts rarely take calls and when they do either Jim or Opie Roberts will say what the caller is going to say before putting him on the air. Why do they do this? It serves to prevent the person from trashing them because the caller only gets to say a few words because Jim or Sam already said exactly what the caller was going to say.

Oh hi Bam.