Announcer 1: “You must be worried about this ruining your career.” Bill Burr: “Nah, dude, you’re forgetting I used to be on Opie & Anthony. This is nothing.” (6:00 to 7:30)

54  2018-04-18 by SamRobertsSucks


There's a whole generation of comics who have either forgotten they did the O&A show or regard it as that gross icky thing they had to do before they were famous (I think Schumer's in that camp).

At some point, Ant and Jim kind of accepted that the show was falling off the radar of these big guests. Opie never did.

Opie always had the Howard is destroying my career conspiracy to fall back on

When Bill was on Howard in December, he asked Bill "where do you attribute your sudden rise in fame in the last few years?" No mention of O&A, no mention of the Traveling Virus show/meltdown from Philly.

Last few yesterday

I bet he credited Nia

Well as they say “behind every great man is an entitled asshole woman.”

Lol @ feeling hurt by him not mentioning a show you listened to him on.

Lol @ that's what you got out of that.

I hope you're 13 years old for starting a sentence with "Lol @"

Yeah, that Philly show definitely got him more attention than Breaking Bad.

His prominence from O&A had to have helped him move towards the radar for bigger acting gigs, civilian.

I'm pretty sure his O&A appearances/mentions were the biggest reason by creating a buzz about him online.

Yeah, he definitely would have gotten on Breaking Bad without the Philly rant that made him almost instant famous. Not like Vince Giligan was a huge stand up comedy fan, and cast lots of stand up comics he was a fan of.

Bill doesn’t owe shit to anyone. That Philly rant helped, but that was in ‘06 and he really didn’t become a household name until ‘13-‘14. If there’s any comedian who deserves their spot from sheer hard work alone, it’s Burr. Regardless on if you think he sucks now (I don’t). The fucking nightmare stories he’s told on his podcast of gigs he’s had to do. Good on him for his success. He doesn’t owe anyone shit

calm down dude holy moley

If you could ease up on the language that would help

Philly rant is one of the few things i remember that went viral early on the net.

Bill owes his success on 3 things imo: 1. Philly rant 2. First Netflix special. Pretty sure bill was the first to have that. other than rogans old ass one. 3. Being Patrices son.

I also think his appearances in Conan made him popular. I knew Bill after seeing his Oprah rant on Conan.

Dude his last special I saw was truly awful. Just recycled materiel without a lot passion. It was the one before he had his baby, so he might have just been cashing in before that. I've lost interest in his podcast, he gets super repetitive. I like Bill a lot, but there is no doubt he has lost a step, or at least stopped caring.

His first two specials on Netflix for sure

His appearances on Conan were the biggest contributors to his fame, and any bum ass comedian can get on that show.

I’d deny knowing who O&A even are if I were Bill. Just to spite Opie for gloating every time a guest sold out a comedy club after an appearance.

I feel like every comic that goes on Conan (or really any late night show) act like a deer in headlights, so no one ends up giving a shit about their appearance. Bill just goes on and is typical Bill, so his always blow up.

No one knew who Bill Burr was before O&A, aside from Chappelle's Show. That Philly meltdown made him an overnight name. Things really started happening for him almost immediately after that.

he was on the Howard Stern Show. Of course he's not going to get into O and A. Did you also want him to take shit on Howard's floor?

He used to shit on his own floor! That never made any sense to me!

Nothing makes me happier than knowing that O&A are such forgettable nobodies in the industry.

Came off as a compliment to O&A in terms of craziness and tits.

Yeah opie would probably see it as grounds for pissy silent treatment but Burr clearly means it as a positive

He just meant there was debauchery on the O and A show. Calm down you gossipy queer.

So much debauchery. WOW, right guys? Morning zoo hacks.

So much debauchery. WOW, right guys?


You're only upset because you were a bigger fan than us and it hurt you much more when the show died.

Incorrect. I’m only here to call you edge lord faggots out for being a fan of Opie Hughes

Good thing your fans are here backing you up.

No kidding, retard. And nice debauchery, stupid.

If this was the quality of women on old O&A thank God it was a radio show. How low is the self esteem of this crowd that they would want to see a beast like that.

Shut up faggot. Tits are tits and if you couldn't tell these RNR events are all very tongue in cheek. We know the girl showing her tits is a beast, we know the fights are terrible, we know it's ridiculous for Big Cat to sing the national anthem. But we cheer it anyways for America and cause it's fun. You fucking bitch


Big Cat & PFT are currently funnier than anything related to the old O&A show

Lol oh boy, are you in love with your little suburban safe sports podcast? Truly terrible, really though. Listening to those two lame fuck dude bros try to be funny is painful. Omg did he say "when dardies turn into nardies"? That's so fucking different and unique. You have taste for shit, never forget that.

Name a more entertaining sports podcast...

There are no entertaining sports podcasts. You can't defend a shitty product by pointing out there are only shitty products. Man, the one guy wears sunglasses INDOORS! What are they? Crazy? Booooooooooooooooo

Fair enough but I enjoy sports and have 10 hours to kill with shows and podcasts every day. PMT is by far the funniest and most enjoyable show. They are very funny. Not everything needs to be saying the N word and railing against PC culture. Silly can be funny too

I honestly have never heard of these people but I watched whatever this video was and I don't get it. Two random guys and a funny comic were commenting on random people fighting? I didn't get it and it didn't come off as comedy to me since neither of them said anything funny. Bill Burr made some old timey jokes that Anthony would have rolled with, but the other two seemed like just regular guys. Was this meant as a funny segment?

Barstool sports bought a shitty fighting organization in West Virginia and gave it production value, marketing, and put it online as a ppv model. they use their talent as the commentators and even their employees as fighters sometimes. The announcers with Burr are Dave Portnoy who created and owns Barstool and the other guy is "Big Cat" who has arguably the number 1 sports podcast in the world. This all sounds very meta if you aren't familiar with Barstool but it's fun and silly when you are.

Yeah I guess it's not something I follow. I legitimately didn't find anything they said for those 20 minutes funny though so maybe it's not the best clip. It didn't sound like Bill had anyone to work with during that segment.

I didn't even watch it besides for the national anthem. The commentary should be entertaining and kinda funny but it's really the event in of itself that is the joke

man bun

turtle neck and jacket

bow tie

what the fuck are these trash?

You're not familiar with the work of Dan "Big Cat" Katz?

Boooooooo forever

That was disgusting.

What the hell is this redneck fighting thing and why is Bill there? What a random place to hear him.

The bra bombings were pretty edgy.

There are no entertaining sports podcasts. You can't defend a shitty product by pointing out there are only shitty products. Man, the one guy wears sunglasses INDOORS! What are they? Crazy? Booooooooooooooooo