Yesterday Opie made a joke about our delightful former First Lady, Barbara Bush and her failing health. Today I am sorry to say that she has passed.

90  2018-04-18 by Treeckosis

Is this really the type of person that Westwood One wants to be bringing into the fold?


yer kiddin', God love 'im

...away before seeing Rich Vos at both Comedy Cabaret locations this weekend, Doylestown and Northeast. Tickets at

poor bastard

This is what I was expecting from this thread.

Remember when Opie thought it would be a hilarious bit to send Burr and Patrice to a cemetery on Mother’s Day to do a “Yo Mama so...” joke battle? Edgy.

Thats actually hilarious! Makes me miss Ope. What an ideas man? Ship steerage at its best.

Horrendous. Sadly, still better than anything any of them are doing now.

Patrice not done stuff in a real minute, lazy black bastard

Thought this was PatBattle for a sec

Steering that ship right off the side of our flat earth.

This can't be real. I refuse to believe anyone is capable of this level of hack.

It's real. Was sometime around their first week on CBS "Free FM" in 2006.

What?? When was this? This is super douchey

Sounds fucking great!

I bet the moral white knight, Ant said no though?

Post proof of this soul crushing cringe

You're just a civilian what do you know about comedy?

That would only be remotely funny if they were standing over their mothers' graves

I just heard Nick D making crude jokes about her passing. He's got a lot to learn about being recognized by the GOP.

And not a minute later he was blaming his time slot for his failure to be recognized as a viable political pundit.

It's amazing his show somehow gets a pass here.

It only gets a pass because of its complete irrelevancy.


Out of curiosity, what's your go to/can't miss comedic program?

As far as things still in production, Cum Town and then Real Ass Podcast.

Cum Town is a fun listen.

Would you be quiet about that show, it's just Nick Mullen renaming movies and tv shows to be about being gay and then some fat guy cackles like a dolphin.

exactly. it's the best

It's funnier than any of the shit posted here.

Really setting the bar high, fella!

Ever listen to the old XFM shows with Karl Pilkington? They're quite old now, but the stuff they did on radio is still the best I've heard. The style of humour is a bit different because Karl isn't a comedian or trying to be funny (he was unknown at the time).

He’s not a political pundit because he’s a miserable asshole who says whatever fucked up shit he wants but that’s what makes him a great comic.

His career philosophy and particularly his putting it into practice, is steeped in folly.

Add another one to the list of Opie's victims: 1) Peter Jennings 2) Richard Jeni 3) Steve Carlesi 4) Patrice O'Neil 5) Chester the dog 6) Barbara Bush. And those are just the ones we know about.

She's a cunt

I heard she was Aleister Crowley's fuck toy.

The world's oldest presidential vagina is in the ground now.

Opie's connected. We all joke and stuff, but you never know, behind the laughter there's a serious side to the destroyer.

Well, almost 93y.o.

As they said on the latest 'Billions' episode: that's a hell of a ride.

looks like we're hitting the ground running boys

Now today Jim Morton is speculating whether or not old George Bush has fond memories of eating her ass. He is such a fucking creep. He must constantly daydream about rectums.

why are you sorry? she sucked

If Opie keeps it up, I'm going to start listening to this horseshit.