Reminder: Ron Bennington was arrested when his ten year old daughter got into his roofie supply and had to be hospitalized.

0  2018-04-17 by TheRealJayOakerson


I guess that is one way to teach your daughter about "the streets".

"They grow up so fast these days, Fezzie. They are gettting roofied at 10...TEN! Jesus fuckin' Christ almighty!...........Mike..yer on Ron and Fez"


Read the article.


The article has no effect on the downvoting ballwashers that have fled the near defunct R & F sub. They used to criticize this sub and call us uncouth savages. Now they have furtively joined our ranks.

Why do you think she is his co-host now? Making up for past transgressions.

The only reason he went to rehab is because the judge ordered it due to this incident.

And his ballwashers act like he is one of such great stature for turning his life around. No, it's because the law made him do it. And he surely found a new hidey hole for his stash.

Like those guys that went to Nam to avoid prison. Not like they were super patriots or something.

What exactly is the point to reminding us about this again?

Just wondering if that is what really happened. How do we know he didn't Cosby his daughter?

My bad, I didn't realize you were just trying to be that guy.

Sorry, but your fat hipster hero Ron Bennington roofied his 10 year old daughter. That is a fact.

march 6th 1995 real ass dude of the week.

That don't make him a bad person, Fezzzz...

“Traditional Family Values”