Judaism is just a religi...

1  2018-04-17 by TheRealJayOakerson


Stormfront called, they want their meme back.

David Spade called, he wants his shitty SNL joke back.

Ben shapiro

There. I just popped your hacky "jew libs run the world" bubble

You forgot Ari

One of these is not like the other.

They all look pretty similar to me. Which one are you talking about?

See, 8 are wildly rich.

Oh, yeah. The dipshit on the top right is obviously a failure. I was talking about the racial aspect of Judaism, though.

I get it, big noses. Hysterical.


Nice fake black voice

You mean like when I grew up a block away from Latimer Projects?


Latimer Gardens, Linden Place?! What a fucking horrifying shit hole! Is that where some perfectly honest and upstanding negro said “yo, let me hold that disc player.” Wasn't it you that happened to?

No but some friend of mine was asked to "run his shoes".

I grew up on 138th and 32nd so, the next time somebody wants to give me shit for how a speak, go hang out at 34th road and get back to me, while you go home to your comfy suburb.

gimme 50 shekel kike

Just did a google street view and looked around 138th and 32nd ave. Looks like projects, but all I see is what appears to be white people in the photos. Was it majority low income whites in that area?

The area came up in the late 50's. A bunch of Co-Op buildings had just been constructed on what was swampland.

A nickname our buildings had gotten was the "Jewish Projects" as most residents back then were immigrants. As time went on the area became heavily Chinese and Korean, forcing most of the original community out or waiting until they died to take the place.

Take a look at Main Street or Union street between the 80's and late 90's. A massive demographic shift occurred. However, the projects like Latimer and The Bland remained.


I have more respect for you knowing you grew up poor like me, not Even as close but it makes me more sympathetic to the cause.



LOL, this sub is a fucking mess that this is downvoted. this place really lost its way.

No but some friend of mine was asked to "run his shoes".

I grew up on 138th and 32nd so, the next time somebody wants to give me shit for how a speak, go hang out at 34th road and get back to me, while you go home to your comfy suburb.