An article that should be titled "The Death Of Comedy."

15  2018-04-17 by Boxatorium


Women ruin everything they touch. Imagine how great pussy would be without the woman attached.

Is it a coincidence that Louie's comedy turned to shit when he had kids, and got custody of them?

He probably has to listen to their stupid tumblr-feminist shit all the time.

I can't help but think that if Patrice had lived, he would've gotten really big right before all of this feminist/SJW nonsense started taking off, and the world wouldn't be nearly as fucked.

Patrice dying was literally bad for the country.

I can't help but think that if Patrice had lived,

Can we stop with this, please?

He was on the cusp of breaking out and becoming a major star.

we say that, but even Patrice admitted to ruining his own chances. Vince McMahon wanted him back in the early 2000s. VH1 was going to make him their Tosh.0 back in the mid-2000s. Chris Rock wanted him as the main character in his tv show in the late-2000s. he managed to find a way to say no or fuck himself out of that stuff. that fucker even was offered a chance to have a tv show multiple times, he kept saying no. so many people offered to pay to help him lose weight, he said no.

He had finally stopped self-sabotaging, and was in the middle of a major promotional push by his management, comedy central, etc.

Dude was just starting to catch fire, then died.

when you lay out his almost resume it’s staggering how many bridges this dude must have burned in his life.

l think he got off on saying no like chicks get off on rejecting dudes

when louie said patrice never had that moment were you “awkwardly stand up too fast to meet an executive” he was serious

He could have been the next Hitler.

No s*** if he might have lived, he'd still be a d-list comedian. In fact they might have destroyed his career once the women got hold of some of his earlier tapes

You're wrong and you're a faggot

Too bad that Patrice didn’t like to eat healthy. fuck hostess made snacks such as Twinkie’s and ho ho’s being too good. If it weren’t for blow and junk food Otto and Patrice might still be here today.

Jordan P. Niggason

It's coming. The dawn of robo pussy is upon us.

Ah, you must be thinking of good ol' bussy, my friend.

Jesus Christ that was infuriating to read

Not everyone has adapted — Dice Clay's brand of misogyny still packs houses. Still, the reaction has changed. After Dave Chappelle made rape and trans jokes in his first two Netflix specials, Vulture called him "old and out of touch." In another special he semi-apologized, but fanned flames by calling C.K.'s accusers "weak."

So Dice is still filling theatres, and Chapelle got $60 million for those three specials. Remind me again who's out of touch?

The Dice man cometh

Progressivism is really all about suppression of thought and freedom.

The jewish way

It isn't jews that are doing it, its women.

Publishing and other media outlets are like 90% female and gay men now, they've literally excluded straight men under 60 from journalism careers.

it’s like women have next to nothing to do with the creation and innovation of something, whether it be stand up comedy, video games, comic books, the tech industry, etc. then once it’s popular and successful they not only demand to be part of it, but insist that it must be changed to fit their needs. it’s like that but i’m sure i’m wrong.

And these cuck "men" fold like cheap camera stands

yeah no doubt. don’t underestimate the fear of being publicly shamed for prejudice. that’s usually how these industries or whoever else fold to feminist malarkey and the like.

those pussies should use the heat and actually do something with their careers

I'm not gonna read all that, but please tell me the illustration isn't meant to be seen in a positive light.

Sex robots are (I hope) going to make human women obsolete within my lifetime.

The Japanese are trying. Between anime porn and VR porn, they've almost managed to remove women completely from the equation.

Women in ny and la stink and should be gassed

Take that, whitey!

Good, put yourself out of business like that comedy melt place ya dumb fucks.

I love how you don’t see any of this shit at black comedy shows

He was on the cusp of breaking out and becoming a major star.

He could have been the next Hitler.

He had finally stopped self-sabotaging, and was in the middle of a major promotional push by his management, comedy central, etc.

Dude was just starting to catch fire, then died.

when you lay out his almost resume it’s staggering how many bridges this dude must have burned in his life.

l think he got off on saying no like chicks get off on rejecting dudes

when louie said patrice never had that moment were you “awkwardly stand up too fast to meet an executive” he was serious

No s*** if he might have lived, he'd still be a d-list comedian. In fact they might have destroyed his career once the women got hold of some of his earlier tapes