Man gets second face transplant. Now looks like erock.

53  2018-04-17 by Dennyislife


Nice eye tampons, stupid

He looks like the kid from 6th Sense.

Got a few more kinks to iron out in this procedure. Poor guy looks like one of the Dead Presidents from Point Break.

Nigga looks like Droopy dog.

It's a step up. He actually looked like Sam before this.

Garlic butter faceeeeeeee

Can't he wipe his fucking chin or are his hands missing too?

Why didn't he just stay inside forever?

Are you saying he wouldn't want to look like Erock?

This reminds me of the woman with half a face that they talked about with Patrice.

"suckin on 12 lemons"

Out of the frying pan...

Into the chubby dead guy's head skin...


Just eat a bullet.

"I'm 43 and the donor was 22 so I'm 22 again," he told French TV.

🐜 should look into this potentially as a pedophilia loophole

As long as all you do is suck it wouldn't be pedophilia

He looks like leather face.

Nag dude he's 22 again. Lucky dude can now cruise for college poon. He probably did this on purpose

These niggas know goddamn well they understand what this Frankenstein fuck is saying. They could've just had him write down what he wanted to say, but they got this mother fugg over here slobbering all over the carpet.

Whoever set up this segment is a piece of shit of the highest caliber and also knows good entertainment.

I get why this guy can't keep his tongue in his mouth, so what's Sherrod's excuse?

I liked him better with his

Was "constantly drooling" a known con of the original plan?

His second face looked better than the third one.

Thats an awful face.

The first signs of rejection came in 2016 and last November, the face, suffering from necrosis, had to be removed.

Jesus Christ.

Hopefully he’ll grow into his new face. I saw a really good face transplant but they showed what he looked like right after the procedure and it was shit. It takes time.