Dad dies inside when he meets his transgender son

59  2018-04-17 by Prosbora


Poor Lauren. What a fall from the Chip Chipperson podacast.

/u/aprosbro are you embarrassed by this account or the pro wrestling account?


Careful, The Cumia Cartel may be attempting to dox you

Stop being an anagram of my user name, stupid.

This is the correct reaction. This behavior should not be celebrated.

You can tell Dr. Phil is even having trouble trying rationalize this nonsense

Seriously. I genuinely feel bad for the dad, poor fucker.

u prob shouldnt. what kind of dad agrees to go on this show to put a spotlight on ur mentally ill son?

A trad dad

Why? The son only cut his own dick off and paid for it. Mind your business old asshole and don’t get on a TV show

Hes only crying that hard because his son is not even CLOSE to passing

Do you think he would have smiled if he looked like Sue ?

No because Sue isn't close to passing either.

"He's not a good looking girl"

Spoken so matter-of-factly. That is what should be said to these people.

U/TinKnockinMoroccan comment?

My dad is actually dead, so no worries.

Nice son, stupid.

Lol. God this is the most well placed version of this joke. I cant stop giggling after watching the context.

Thank you for informing us


Oh sorry. Sorry.

You're panicking, sir.

turn it off......Turn It Off......... TURN IT OFF.....

What movie is that clip from?

Hardcore (1979)

At last. A real reaction to these freaks.

Youah sunn ... has been ... corrrrected.


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Saw this clip last night. The comment section, for once, is mostly great. Piece of shit son definitely has guilt in his eyes; "it wasn't your fault..." yeah no shit, you alone have shamed the family.

When genetic engineering gets up and running, that'll be the end of all this trans nonsense. When you can change gender at the genetic level without surgery; you'll actually become a real life woman instead of a whatever.

The thing with trans people now is that you're not really trans, until you're trans in everyone else's face. It's not just "let me change my gender and go back to living my life", these days its "let me change my gender and make everyones lives miserable". But if you can just become the desired gender you want both physically and genetically, with a minimal amount of pain, then it just wont be special anymore and the activists will eventually disappear.

changing gender at a genetic level will always be impossible because it would have to occur after birth

relax fag

You sound like Jim when he talks about robots and the future.

I think Pontificating Jim would agree with this fella 100%!

Some real quality "Sound of Silence" empty stares into middle distance in this one

I just defer to Chappelle whenever these people come up: "How much do I have to participate in your self-identity?"

I really feel for the dad. Guy get's embarrassed by Dr. FuckPhil on national tv. Pure garbage.

Why is he on the show in the first place tho?

Bamboozled or something.

Holy shit this is funny. What a truthful reaction of utter disappointment from the dad.

The face of a dad who didn't beat his son nearly enough.

Jim quickly escorts this young lady away from that wasteful ungrateful man.

The guttural noises of disgust and disappointment are just fantastic.

He sounded like that guy who took cyanide in court after his conviction.

“I Thought It Was Halloween So I Went Along With It, I Pinched Him On His Behind And Told Him He Made A Good Looking Girl” even the mentally ill cocking having wig sporting mangirl looks confused after hearing profesor X say that.

This Is The Right Way To Quote People

I guess I didn’t quote correctly?

You did just fine if the goal was for me to make my bitchy comment. You are the wind beneath my wings

And you my good sir are the man I’m dying to feltch.

Damn that was hard to watch. I wish he would’ve responded to the “what if” with I don’t do hypotheticals why don’t we talk about what if pigs could fly.

Adam Sandler.

It always amazes me how 90% of all those that think this is 'brave' secretly thank fuck its not their son battling this mental illness.

A lot of them push their kids into faggotry and this form of degeneracy

And they should be jailed for child abuse.

Antwan Kumiyya himself was half a step away from this.

Maybe if he had tried mommy's shoes on just one more time.

Where are you getting your figures from?

Tweet this to Anthony so he can get kicked off twitter again.

I couldn’t imagine any reason to accept going on one of these shows. They could tell me it was father appreciation day and they are giving you a free trip to Disneyland all paid. Nothing is worth the potential to have some fucked up friend or family member drag your personal issues on national TV

Opie in 10 years.

"He dressed up as a girl for Halloween, I thought it was funny at first" that's fucking hilarious. There is no way this guy is this good of an actor, must be legit.

"I pinched his backside... he's not a good-looking woman. He's a beautiful man."

suuuuure he is


(((Billion shekel supreme)))




Looks like Satchel from Steel Panther

Looks like that Lauren woman from the chip show


I had to pause it there to work out why it sounded like a terrible wail coming from down a well.

That was him psychologically breaking, forever.

2:15. Holy fuck.

"He dressed up... like a girl... and I thought it was funny... sniff"

2:43 I was only jokin'

I heard that old sound clip in my mind right away. I'm glad someone else got it.

The crowd acts like the dad is the freak show, but who wouldn't be shaken and disturbed to see their son sashaying around like that? The humiliation must be unbearable.

They seem uncharacteristically sympathetic to his plight, actually.

And a plight it most certainly is.

Ha, imagine having to listen to all those holes applauding your greatest failure as a parent.

How Anthony felt after seeing the son:


Nice 5 o’clock shadow, dick...I mean...clit...I

Not a very pretty girl

imagine the feeling of seeing your child suffer from severe mental illness and whenever you try to seek help for him, it’s a room full of people cheering him on and enabling his sickly behavior.

I pinched his ass but I was only joking.

There's fags in ISIS that look better.

"He said, 'I can smell your cunt."

I think Pontificating Jim would agree with this fella 100%!

No because Sue isn't close to passing either.