Wrestling is the worst soooo...

4  2018-04-17 by Ceneibrie

Thus then, Sam is the worst.

I’m being 100% honest that I feel his love for wrestling makes him the worst character from any of the shows. Think about it, would you rather stand up in a crowded room and yell “i fuck trannies” , “I fuck teens AND trannies” , “I’m a bore with man tits” or “I love wrestling”.

I’ll admit it’s closer than I thought now that I typed it all out but it still wins.


No Opie is! - OA Sub Cocksucker

Fez loved Wrestling.

Everyone dug the attitude era if you were a young male around that time

some old wrestling clips are still hilarious

if you aren’t watching for laughs and stunts i think your missing the point.

people who hate wrestling “don’t get the bit”, it’s supposed to be stupid

i watch the ppvs for (like you said) the stunts and the lulz. john cena waiting for ‘taker inly to see elias come out and shit on the crowd was a riot.

Everyone dug the attitude era if you were a young male around that time

Yeah because it was actually entertaining shit back then when wrestling had 10 million more viewers. I still watch the odd Kevin Nash clip here and there because the guy was fucking awesome.

Sam isn’t watching for the lulz though. He’s watching like it is UFC with his analysis and not like enjoying a movie. So douche chilly. I respect the wrestlers don’t worry, I’m not saying wrestling is fake. Just Sam is ha.

I've kept this quiet since joining you animals... But I too am a wrestling fag. I've worked independents (non-wrestling role) for a decade.

Shit in your hands and throw. I'm ready.