Scott Shannon with more self-awareness than any of the b-b-boys

267  2018-04-17 by Single_Action_Army


Im gonna go get the papers, get the papers

I love that Todd ditched Scott to chase his dream of solo fame and completely failed.

Scott rules. Todd is, pardon my French, a real jerk.

Todd is Opie

You are Opie, bitch.

Your mother sucks cocks in hell

Yeah!? You do!!!

Cut your losses, buddy.

Why don't you come back here and shut up?

No,Opie is Todd.

The jerk of all jerks

Jerk store called. They’re running out of HIM!

Big if true.

You would know, you're their BEST SELLER!

Oh yeah? Well Bam had sex with Opie's wife!

Never paid attention to either outside of the O&A related stuff, but I kind of don't hate Todd either based on kind of a tirade he went on related to that kid that was gunned down driving home form college by a guy yelling allahu ackbar and all that shit and how the media all but ignored it because of the typical bury the 'kill whitey' crimes.

He also hosted a benefit event for the family.

Todd Pettengill called muslims "camel niggers" got it ill tell everyone i know


Isn't Todd still on the air?

I thought he got bumped down to 2nd or 3rd mic.

Actually, didn't he get bumped by the hole on the show? Imagine sucking so bad that the hole eclipses you.

Last time I paid attention he got sddled with a cohost who had her name added. But I suspect she's also paid millions less and has next to no say in the progam beyond carrying out her hole duties.

Is it still the same chick that was on the show where the person died from drinking water?

Todd is....YOU



haha at least he can laugh at himself that is great

I gotta egg white on my mustard!

I got sugar in my salt!

Listening to America's Greatest Hits with Scott on Sunday mornings is an extremely pleasurable experience when you also think about the plight of Todd and Opie.

Where I am he only comes on Saturdays at 5am. But theres nothing like driving home from an overnight shift and hearing Scott spin some New Kids On the Block, and Robert Palmer

In a bizarre coincidence, that truck is transporting Erock's last bowel movement.

can you imagine if it was though

that wouldn't be funny. that'd be fucking horrific.

like why is erock taking such a big bowel movement. there would have to be something seriously wrong. he'd probably be held under government captivity for observation. that's why there's a city truck involved in transporting the movement.

and what if they figured out what caused him to take such giant shits. what else would erock be capable of? what if the government could harness that, and...

holy fuck. what if it wasn't our government that harnessed it. what if someone else got to him first, like the russians or the chinese? what if the chinese could figure out how to harness erock's power of massive bowel movements, and whatever else he was capable of. we'd all be fucked. massive feces falling down over cities. i know it sounds humorous, but imagine the horror that would cause. the disease that would come with it.

when you made your post about this "bizarre coincidence" were you joking or being serious? is that actually a truck transporting his latest bowel movement?

PM me.

Nice manifesto, stupid.

i dont understand. Could you expand on that?

That fat Nagel kid!

I don't get it.

Me too - and I've lingered a looooooong time

You've never heard "There's a tree on my house!"? Have you not bathed in the glory that is the Jocktobering of Scott and Todd?

Oh, to relive those heady days again for the first time

Are you serious, or doing an opie character?

Scott and todd jocktober 2012

Oh that's why. I hate jocktober.

bet you love cocktober though huh ya big queen

Nsh I prefer cockvember.

Ahhhh fuck, punchin out.

How the fuck did I read the tree part in ole Easter island heads voice? That's disturbing.








Maybe the real boat movie was the battery car we drove along the way

deep bro

Scotty S again proving the best way to fight autistic, obsessive, anonymous internet haters is to laugh along with their shit. Real ass dude of the day.

Scott has a better career than any of them.

i wonder if it's because he's generally likeable and isn't burdened with severe mental illnesses or substance abuse problems

If Ant tweeted a photo of him surrounded by trannies with their dicks out, while he's breaking with fourth wall with an "Oh my!" face, we would eternally fellate him.

His face can withstand nuclear fallout. Of course he can shrug off a few troublemakers.

Or.....or, maybe, he is a differing old man who is impressed by a tree and wanted to tell everyone.

I hope Bob Kelly sees this. This will be him when his fat ass drops dead.

Scott was always making fun of himself. On his show and on Twitter.


I like Scott and glad that O&A apologized to him while they still have some relevance.

Ant to Sue, "I got a dick in my mouth".

God bless this man.

Another national treasure

Scott Shannon is a good egg and deserves nothing but the good things in life.

Kind of funny how in the end I think its safe to say all the fans have an unironic infinite more respect for him than for opie, anthony, and jimmy combined

the worse part of Scott phoning in and destroying was Opie sucking up to him and kissing his ass. Ant and Jim smashed Scott but they never took real shots, just goofed on his general character. Opie was the one saying Scott was stupid and washed up and immediately cowered when confronted face to face with him. Phony baloney tits.

Nice repeated word, stupid.

There's a cuckold cuckold inside your station.

Remember that God Awful introduction audio for the Todd show? Knowing how it ended.. I listen to laugh.

I can't get past "outside outside"

Last time I paid attention he got sddled with a cohost who had her name added. But I suspect she's also paid millions less and has next to no say in the progam beyond carrying out her hole duties.

Oh yeah? Well Bam had sex with Opie's wife!

Is it still the same chick that was on the show where the person died from drinking water?