What the hell.

74  2018-04-16 by RBuddCumia


I'd rather watch all that than the AA show.

sniff yeah that’s a tough one. All terrible comedy options is a mother fucker

Someone should tell Artie that comedy without him has been going on since 2008.

Perhaps more than that.

To be fair and not cause of him, it's been dead since then.

Go to work fatso.

Choke on your own vomit, you contemptible junkie.

he's not actually here

I'll give Artie that. He's probably the only member of the O&A expanded universe who doesn't lurk here.

He's trying to do a new joke. Good on him for giving it a go.


I can’t believe I’m typing this, but I think I’d rather hear the Kathy Griffin story again.

My favorite part of that is the tape literally doesn’t exist. The Artie era of THSS is 100% archived and complete, yet there’s no audio or video of this happening. There’s also no mention of it on marksfriggin despite the level of autism on display on that site.

I’m pretty sure it did happen and junkie just got the guest wrong when telling the story once or twice or 8,000 times.


It was actually Duran Duran I believe. Kathy Griffin was in before them but hung around to watch them perform & got kicked out of the green room so Artie could take a nap in there. He definitely has the story wrong.

I've also never seen or heard the episode where the next caller on Howard's monitor wants to call Chris Rock an N-person. This story has been told countless times by Artie but I've never heard it in all of his appearances on the show.

Part of the 7th step.

I promise you that Samantha Bee's awful show has higher ratings than Artie's awful show.

Say "Jew broad fights Draculas"

It's the funniest thing he's heard.

Buffalo Moot ZA rell, consumed in the manner of an apple

Say that next month while you are in prison, junkie waste of fucking space

He is about a fat piece of shit.

He’s right. Trevor Noah is an unfunny Uncle Tom. He’s the black Kumail Nanjianipu. “I’m from South Africa. It was illegal to be black there until 1995 and somehow the United States still the most oppressive place in the world. Being black is different and let me tell you why.....” Now imagine that for 58 minutes. That’s what his specials are.

I'd rather watch an hour special of Ang running for the man.

did we ever find out what the fuck that meant? God that was so retarded

I think that was the name of the guy who collected for the bookie he owed money to

I’ll shoot a gram of tar I’ll shoot up a 20 bag of blow I’ll mix some H with my coke and shoot up a speed ball on New Year’s Eve in front of Anderson cooper.....

this disgusting fat body is so humorless i want to KKTITN to those who said he was good

Alt right Artie now

Slight credit to Anthony, this hilarious trainwreck of a person wouldn't really be on my radar without him.

What's the word for the heroin version of wet brain?


But he’s clean and sober. You can tell.

That Samantha Bee is fierce y'all

Come back here and shut up!

How does that make you feel?Artie Artie. Wake the fuck up, you'll be late for work.ha ha Haha Haha ha Haha

Analogies got a nigga ribs

Why don’t you come over here and shut up

garlic butter saw

He should try leaving the house when he wants to work on his act.

Can we just get a podcast with a sober artie and Gilbert making fun of black people all day?


cocaine's a hell of a drug

I think that was the name of the guy who collected for the bookie he owed money to