I think you guys undervalue the comedic brilliance of "Nice shirt, stupid."

100  2018-04-16 by KingDonaldTrump

The sentence starts out so positive, like "holy shit, my sharp and brutally discerning friends are actually complimenting me on my appearance! This is the best day ever! :D"

And then they hit you with that last word, "stupid"; in one instant you realize it was all a lie and they just wanted to hurt you the whole time. It's the kind of joke that makes you question all of your assumptions and rethink your belief system.


Nice post stupid

Nice comma, stupid.

Nice name, stupid.

Nice .,stupid

I gotta tap out...Iā€™m tapping! You burned me good. I thought I could hang at the Cellar table but I was dead WRONG!

Okay tappy. Should rename yourself tap_babyfaggot

First of all, boooooo.

Second, Ant would never stop harassing him if he changed his name to that.

Man these Cellar table zingers are bruuuuuuuuutal!

Tap. Tap. Taparoo.

Nice stupid, stupid.

The skewering of the Cellar's "brutality" is one of my favorite things here


They're so fucking gay when they self aggrandize how edgy they are, Norton especially. Always does it in that extra serious 'genuine Jim' voice. Haha, we joke around but honestly my friends are so funny & kewl šŸ˜‚

Man you just dont get 'the hang'

Us civilians could never roll with them. Making fun of other male's appearances/outfits relentlessly is definitely not something an effeminate gay/metrosexual male would do.

It honestly seems like a bit that would be on Queer Eye.

Fuck your mother, Stupid.

I'll shove glasshards up your mother's cunt, stupid!

What are glass hards?

Hard glass, stupid

"Nice ______, stupid." is the pinnacle of comedy.

your word is lose to these civilians who dont understand the craft

Greatest comedy line of all time, besides anything from Billy Crystal...

agree with this 100%

It's a metaphysical statement about the values of modern society in which focuses more on vain material things like nice shirts rather than gaining more knowledge and educate yourself, hence the insult; stupid at the end.

My high school had a thing every Valentine's Day where you could send roses to your crush, cost a couple bucks but they came with a card and everything.

I got 5 roses with a card that just said "x" and I never felt so desirable in my life until my friends laughed in my face during lunch break.

That's comedy folks.

The only way that story could be funnier is if it ended with your suicide.

There'll be plenty of opportunities in the future, you can't rush a good suicide

Keep us posted!

Nice crush stupid

Stupid nice, shirt.

Nice shirt, :). Do you feel better now?

See this post is brilliant because he makes it SEEM like he's praising the overuse of the joke, but actually he's sacrastically criticizing it.

Such brilliant wit. Only thing that would make this thread better is if OP ended it with a. "Not!"

Civilians wouldn't get it

Don't expect these civilians to understand, OP. They weren't at the "The Table" for the "Great Derosa Bashing of 2004", nor were they there for the "Time Dipaolo Asked Patrice How His Physical Went." You can't even hope to wrap your mind around the carnage unless you were there, man.

You cant forget all time legendary beating the bill burr bus beating, we dont know any of the lines they said but we have to take the craftsmen for their word

Dude the table is bruuuuuutal.

If that table could talk, oh, the stories it would tell

Nice, "nice shirt, stupid", stupid

the economy of words is pretty damn impressive

Okay tappy. Should rename yourself tap_babyfaggot

Keep us posted!