Turns out Opie was the best/least douchey one after all

0  2018-04-16 by Prosbora

what a twist


Hold that thought until his podcast comes out. Tits is making a comeback very soon.

if u downvote, your retarded

If downvoting this makes me retarded, I welcome my new classification.


I don't think you, being a retard, are qualified to diagnose others.

I have a 140 IQ, you brainlet 56% mongrel

What happened to your basic English then?

I don't type my own reddit comments, I outsource (like an ACTUAL man, something you will never be)

This bit sucks.

This isn't a bit, it's your shitty life

The communities most prone to initiating conflict were what the Stanford researchers called "controversial topic" subreddits, which often deal with politics, social justice issues, and conspiracies, such as /r/Conspiracy, /r/TheRedPill, /r/MensRights, and /r/The_Donald

Imagine my shock these faggots would name these.

Watch 2 min of any of his "walkin and talkin" vids and it will change your mind. And good luck making it a full 2 minutes.

I agree, Opie was the best "douchey" one

The Opester has no friends off air. That doesn't happen by being "the least douche".

None of them have any friends, anthony and jim have to PAY people to be around them. It's a wash.

Opie is the least horrible human being. But he is the most obnoxious. And as long as they were still entertaining us, nobody gave a shit about them being awful human beings. So Opie's obnoxious personality was the worst thing.

So this guys is the new "Opie Rulez!!" Character? Ok, got it!

go back to the carribbean and stay there, moron

Shots fired!

Turns out Opie was the best/least douchey one after all

How is that?

he's not a tranny loving suicidal worm or a tunisian pederast.

Wins by default.

Shut the fuck up dummy.

Are you from Oklahoma?To soon sooner.